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Tamworth Enterprise College

Birds Bush Rd, Belgrave, Tamworth, Staffordshire, Tamworth, United Kingdom
High School



Tamworth Enterprise College - An AET Academy. "To make our best better". "May I take this opportunity to ‘welcome’ you to Tamworth Enterprise College. I hope you will find the information contained within our prospectus both interesting and helpful.

Your child is understandably the most important person to you and will be to ourselves.

At Tamworth Enterprise College we aim to offer a first class education matched to the individual skills and abilities of every student. Inorder to achieve this we seek to develop and maintain highly effective relationships between staff, students and parents/carers at all times.

Clearly, successful academic outcomes are important. We are immensely proud that over recent years we have continued to see students achieve at the highest levels and also to see students of all abilities improving significantly from their starting point in Year 7.

Our expectation is that we will meet national standards in terms of the progress our students make during their time with us.

However, we do not measure the success of our students by their examination results alone. We continually strive to develop your child’s self-confidence, enhance their self-belief and encourage their self-esteem so that they are equipped to build a happy and fulfilled life.

Our expectations of ourselves, our students and of you as parents and carers are high in order to achieve what must be common aims. An excellent attitude, high standards of appearance, good manners, full attendance and punctuality are paramount to achieving good discipline and academic success, and emotional and physical well-being.

We believe Tamworth Enterprise College is a thriving and vibrant school where all students, whatever their ability, will flourish, and comments made by visitors to our school often reflect this.

I welcome you taking the time to visit us in order to judge for yourself and I look forward to meeting you."

Simon Turney



Highlights of our recent Outward Bound trip are up now on our YouTube channel.

Having reviewed the safety of the school site and the surrounding areas, we can confirm that school will be closed today (March 2nd) to staff and students.

A reminder that Generation Gifted is on BBC 2 tonight at 9pm. An important watch. You can check out the trailer below.

Mr. Spears joined Newsnight yesterday to discuss social mobility.

Tamworth Enterprise College features in this landmark programme, Generation Gifted: What does it take for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds to succeed?

A quick reminder of upcoming term dates (also available on our website under the Parents section). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Term Dates 2018 Monday 19th February – Friday 23rd February – Half Term Friday 30th March – Friday 13th April – Easter Holiday Monday 28th May – Friday 1st June – Half Term Friday 20nd July – Break up for the summer holidays. Students return Tuesday 4th September 2018

We've added another batch of photos to our Aberdovey photo album. Complete set in the link below!

It was the ‘Spirit of Tamworth’ Awards held on Friday at Drayton Manor. One of our students, Matthew Stockton was nominated for the ‘Student of the Year’ award and went on to win. This was a result of the amazing work he did for Children in Need. Well done, Matthew!

Today is Safer Internet Day 2018. Create, Connect and Share Respect. A better internet starts with you.

Some pictures from the first annual history project for years 7 and 8. Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to all students (and adults!) that got involved - Mr L. Potts.

A little throwback to one year ago today...

A reminder for our Year 11 parents evening on Wednesday 24th January 5.00pm-7.30pm. This is the final Parents’ Evening for you to meet with your child’s teachers and find out how they’re doing before the GCSE exams start in May. We look forward to seeing you there.


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Tamworth, United Kingdom
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