House of ScLeo
House of ScLeo is an online outlet store selling a wide range of new, pre loved and upcycled items.
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♏House of ScLeo remains open for you to purchase items.♌ 🌨️However due to adverse weather conditions there will be a delay in shipping orders.❄️ 👍Anyone who has bought anything via Facebook I will hold your item until it is safer to travel.🚙 📩Any customers affected have already been notified.📩 👀You can still check out our stock online.👀 🏠Stay safe everyone.🏠 #snow #adverseweather #postagedelays #myapologies #holdingitems #staysafe #keepwarm #avoidunnecessarytravel #puttingcustomersfirst #grababargaintoday #HouseofScLeo #onlineoutletstore #eBay
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