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Rita Kara Robinson Homeopath

St Andrews Close, Swansea, United Kingdom
Alternative & Holistic Health Service



Homeopathy focussing on detoxing vaccines, metals and medicines using detox programs. I specialise in autism and HPV vaccine injury cases globally.  Homeopathy focussing on detoxing vaccines, metals and medicines using detox programs. I specialise in autism and HPV vaccine injury cases globally.


I need you help and support friends...

My latest Gardasil detox review.

Something I don’t mention at all is the innovation that goes on behind the scenes with myself and my team. It was dealing with cancer patients at the start of my career I saw that one remedy using the classical method didn’t cut it for the wide majority of my cases. I started using methods by homeopaths globally who were breaking the mould and finding new solutions. I started detoxing using HDT which is a updated, ( in my view much better) version of CEASE therapy. It’s faster and effective. Because mums with autism are in a hurry. I have created mixes for POTS, scoliosis, and using new remedies to bring back speech and heal the brain with autism. My team and myself are always looking to find a better approach, new techniques and ideas. We think out of the box when we get stuck. We don’t stick to one protocol. We live in a world of unprecedented levels of over medication. High levels of mixtures of manmade chemicals. This requires new thinking, new ideas and new solutions. We are proud of what we are achieving. If you want to get on board with modern, passionate, forward thinking homeopaths. Get it touch. Happy Tuesday. X ( image from Chris - Anne)

Hair tests - why they are useful for children with autism.

Join me live while I interview Karen Watkins who will help you understand why hair tests are helpful and teach you to understand the results. We will explain what you can do with that information to help heal your child with autism symptoms - wherever they are on the spectrum. Weds 7pm London time ( google time zone buddy to find your local time)

Live Q&A if you have a children with autism symptoms You don't want to miss this chat if you have never done a hair test - Karen Watkins from Mineral Check is here to answer your questions They are affordable, easy to understand and we will tell you what you can do with the info- the routes you can take. 2pm EST/1pm CST/11am PST/6am Sydney IN MY VACCINE SUPPORT GROUP

I made it home - got in at 6am 😳- but I made it! I’ve sent texts to all my Monday patients that my clinic is going ahead tomorrow. Thanks Mum for putting the heating on and the best soup. I’ll be snoozing by the fire for the rest of the day Happy Sunday ❤️

Are you covered when you go on holiday? I’m not talking about insurance - which doesn’t cover everything. And if you’re in the UK - those E111 firms aren’t t going to be much use anymore when Brexit happens. There’s no free trip to docs abroad. This little box has you covered - for decades. And you can get refills. It covers the most common holiday illnesses - and you have it in the middle of the night - or in the middle of nowhere. I end up using mine every holiday - for such a wide range of family problems. This time - a real sore throat from the dusty heater. If you need one I’ll post a link below and if you want support join my sister group full of mums playing with their kits and winning.

I’m due back to work on Monday - However- I’m not sure if my flight will be delayed due to the snow at home. Right now - I have no idea where I’ll be this weekend or when I’ll get home. 😳🤔😁 So all my Monday/Tuesday appointments maybe cancelled. I didn’t bring my diary - so stay tuned for an update at the weekend

Here is a live webinar I made a while back answering questions on detoxing the Gardasil and Cervarix HPV vaccines using homeopathy. I'll do a live updated one here when I get back. Since this video, I have worked with 150-200 HPV injured girls and it's sadly rising. If you are interested and want to find out more, have a watch of this.

Disappointing news for those who supported Trump for his what looked like supportive stance on vaccines. A businessman won't bite the hand that feeds him.

For every mother on my page trying to heal their injured child You are doing your best That is enough Take a break today ❤️


NEAR Rita Kara Robinson Homeopath