Daran Crush Yoga
Daran Crush is a Yoga teacher in the Sutton, Surrey. Classes Thursday evenings 8 to 9:30pm at Elmcroft Community Centre, North Cheam, Sutton (see "About" for details) I've been regularly practicing yoga since 2006 and in this relatively short time have quickly become immersed in the teachings it has to offer. In this time I have had the great fortune to have been taught by some wonderful teachers. These include George Philips, Chris James (chrisjamesyoga.com) and Cathy-Mae Karelse (cathymae.com). I've been teaching since 2011 and was accredited by the British Wheel of Yoga (bwy.org.uk) in December 2012. I am also a Registered Exercise Professional (exerciseregister.org).
I do not subscribe to a particular yoga style, picking what I feel best suits the class from the many schools. All of my classes include breathing exercises (pranayama), postures (asana) and relaxation to work on the body. They also include some philosophy, contemplation and humour to work on mind and spirit.
Please make sure you wear loose, comfortable clothing that will allow you to move freely. It is best to practice on an empty stomach so please do not eat anything heavy for at least two hours before the class starts. If you have them please bring a yoga mat, some blocks a yoga belt and a blanket for the relaxation. As with any new activity please check with your GP before starting a new exercise class, you will be asked to complete a short medical questionnaire before your first class.
And please, please, please switch your mobile phone off (or to silent) before the class starts, after all it is your time!
Find my classes listed on:
British Wheel of Yoga (National site)
British Wheel of Yoga (South East)
Yoga Nearby
Yoga Hub
Net Mums
The Holistic Directory
Yoga Trail
Healthy Pages
Daran also supports the Clear Mind Institute (http://www.clearmindinstitute.co/) administering the online courses that they deliver and their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/clearmindinstitute
Overview of studies and education
• 2008-2009 British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course Level 1 with Chris James.
• 2010-2012 British Wheel of Yoga Teacher Training Diploma Course with Cathy-Mae Karelse.
• 2013 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) with Cathy-Mae Karelse.
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Mindful Life London
Susie, a wonderful teacher, is starting an 8 week course in a few weeks. Please follow the link below to find out more.
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Sixth classes of the spring term: Tuesday 12noon in Farnborough and Thursday 8pm in North Cheam. In this sixth week to we will spend to time finding some openness through the shoulders to relieve tightness and stiffness using a number of vinyasa, working with prana vayu and the flying dragon sequence (similar to the one below).
Timeline Photos
Need to relax? Try #yoga. Classes in Sutton Thursday evenings 8 to 9:30. Free guided relaxations on SoundCloud.com/darancrushyoga Please share with anyone that might be interested :)
Yoga Inspiration on Instagram: “❤️”
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