RT Fitness Sunderland
RT Fitness Sunderland and Durham
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facebook.com*ATTENTION SUNDERLAND RESIDENTS* Our 8 Week Body Transformation kicks off this Monday Are you ready to get the RESULTS you desire? Would you like to finally stick to your New Years resolutions? We’ve been helping people achieve the highest results possible over the last 4 years and now we’re giving 5 super ready people the opportunity to join the team https://rtfitness.leadpages.co/8-week-transformation-sunderland/ Here’s what you’ll receive…. > 3-4 Fully coached sessions per week (if you don’t turn up we give you the kick you need) > Full nutrition guidance every step of the way > Training with likeminded people with all the same goal in mind….RESULTS > Showing you correct form to ensure you get the most out of your workout > Time slots to suit your lifestyle > Measurements taken every 4 week to keep you on track > Put into our private group where we will give you daily tips and video tutorials > Full guarantee on RESULTS (which no “gym” can EVER offer) Now I know what your thinking…is this for me? Will I be fit enough? This program is designed for all levels of fitness and our coaching team will help you every step of the way all we ever ask is that you give 100% effort https://rtfitness.leadpages.co/8-week-transformation-sunderland/ If your wanting to become a better version of you then click the link ^^^
On This Weeks Challenge Nice little leg blast to kick off the New Year 20 Squats 20 Lunges 20 Calf Raises 1 minute rest x 5 Enjoy!
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The awesome @sarah_rtfitness kicking off our nutrition and goal setting seminar this morning....making the North East fit as fuck! #rtfitness #durham #sunderland
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Let's cut to the chase! All this new year new me stuff is bollocks. Firstly there's nothing so wrong with you that you need to completely change who you are. Your just fine the way you are. Even if you did put a couple of pound on over Christmas. Secondly, if you do want to get yourself a little fitter and healthier and perhaps lose some weight whilst at it you're going about it the wrong way. This whole balls to the wall it's January is the very reason you aren't in the shape you want to be in. This all or nothing one year to change my life attitude will inevitably lead to failure and you starting the same cycle again next year. CHILL OUT! Focus on making little changes. Step by step improvements that over the course of the year will get you to where you want to be without being too difficult to stick too. You don't need to start training every day and living of broccoli with the aim of losing a stone every month. It's stupid and unrealistic. Start by maybe going for a walk in your lunch break, making better choices when you can with food but not being silly and cutting everything out. Think long term. Make small changes you know you can stick too. These are what will make a lasting change not the ridiculous pressure you put on yourself this month. The reason you don't need a new you is because you are great the way you are and who you are isn't going to charge by losing weight or gaining abs. Sure, being fit and healthy is awesome but only if you do it right. Learn to be happy in your own skin because nothing you do to your body positive or negative is going to do that for you. That's because it's not that important in the grand scheme of things and nothing you do in January is going to change that. Dan
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23 Year Old Hannah 3 Stone Down! That huge dumbbell in her hands is how much fat she has lost! Here's Hannah's take on RT Fitness It’s been 5 months since I joined Team Training at RT Fitness; its safe to say that it has flew over!! Before I joined RT I went to various gyms and did the boring usual routines that you get on with yourself. I found it really boring and had no idea what I was actually doing; this left me with no motivation hence why I was seeing no change. I’ve tried every diet going, but just lacked the motivation to keep it going. So when I joined RT Fitness I knew it was for a lifestyle change not just a fad 8-week diet phase. As soon as I started I felt at ease and was welcomed with open arms. I love going! I’m still in progress but I’m so much closer to my goals than I ever thought possible. Never did I ever think that I would be a size 10!! I am more toned and stronger than I have ever been. I never believed that I could lose weight I wanted and reached my goals but RT Fitness really is the kick up the arse I needed, and they have been their every step of the way supporting me. If you’re thinking of joining I say just do it!! It’s the best thing I’ve ever done and I’m not looking back! https://rtfitness.wufoo.eu/forms/rt-fitness-8-week-body-transformation-sunderland/ P.S If your wanting to start on the same journey Hannah did click the link above
Mum of 3 Victoria Hindmarsh gives her take on RT Fitness Leaving RT Fitness for other classes but coming back as she knows it works best, talks about her tighter bottom and fitness levels sky rocketing https://rtfitness.leadpages.co/8-week-transformation-sunderland/ P.S If you aint put your application form in, you best be quick we only now have a few spaces left for our January intake...click the link above for our 8 Week Body Transformation Thank you for watching
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2016 was an awesome year for all of us here at RT Fitness. We got to meet hundreds of awesome motivated people. Who; with our help and guidance were able to achieve their goals and finally make a lasting change to their life, health and frame of mind. Everyone who's walked through our door has worked their arses off and more importantly they had fun doing it. We aren't a big commercial gym we're a small private gym with a big personality and our main focus is always getting our clients the results they deserve. When you join us you become part of the family you aren't just another number on the computer. We aim to make 2017 even better than 2016 by helping hundreds more clients and creating an even better experience for our existing members. However in order to do this we need your help. What's a gym without its clients after all? Basically 3 of us sitting in an empty warehouse. We are here to help you achieve your goals and to do so in a fun, personal environment nothing like a traditional gym. Think of a coffee shop with squat racks! We want you to enjoy every moment you spend here. After you've settled in it will become a social experience. Turn up, drink coffee, catch up with friends and train hard. What more could you want. If you get on board now hopefully when 2018 rolls around you'll be one of 2017s success stories. Help us help you and get in touch. Dan
On today's show We talk whats happening in RT Fitness 2017 We want to help each and everyone of you acheive your goals this year so any questions you have regarding training, nutrition and our programs hit them up in comments and we will get back to you Thanks for watching RT Fitness
And so it's here... The end of the year... Is it just me or has 2016 flown over? I feel my feet have barely hit the ground!!! So what has 2016 meant here at RT Fitness? Our success has and always will be measured by the results of our clients, without whom RT Fitness would not exist. As a fitness facility we carry the stigma far too often that surrounds the industry but I really do believe we've got it bang on... We have created an environment which is positive to change. We have created an extended family with no egos and support by the bucketload. The support goes both ways, we support our clients, they support each other and they support us. It's like this infinite loop which when I think about it really makes me smile and realise just how lucky we are. Day in and day out we are surrounded by awesome people. Together we have achieved so much, in terms of weight loss, fat loss, inch loss but most importantly we've achieved so many immeasurables!!! We've helped people overcome injury, come back from operations, lose weight to be able to have kids, increased confidence, got symptoms of PCOS under control, fit into wedding dresses and suits, social comfort... The list goes on. We've opened our second facility in Sunderland and already have such a tight knit community there, from day one the atmosphere has been epic and once again I really believe we've attracted some of the nicest bunch of people we could hope for. I'm hugely grateful to be surrounded by people who I firmly believe are friends for life. We set out at the beginning of 2016 to help even more people become the best version of themselves and that's exactly what we've done... And do you know what? In doing so... Our clients have brought out the best in us... Once again that infinite circle comes into play... Ross and I could not have done this without the support of each and every person who has come through our doors in 2016 and we appreciate each and every one of you more than I can explain. We also could not have done it without Dan (he's the big lad who is really soft as clarts but everyone calls him Captain Carnage), Dan has come into his own in 2016 and we are extremely lucky to have him as are his carnage crew. Then our recent addition Steven came along and took control of the rowdy bunch in Sunderland and he's been a fantastic addition to our team too... Once again we are privileged to have these guys alongside us... Full scale dream team!! I think if I was to start individually writing up the shifts people have made this would be the worlds longest post!! So... I bid you all farewell on what I can only say has been an immense and vastly appreciated 2016!!! All the best for 2017 and we hope to see you all here continuing to make those shifts or starting your very own new journey with us. Make 2017 the year you see your inner super hero... We've all got one... We just gotta let them out... Much love from all of us here at RT Fitness!!! Sarah, Ross, Dan and Steve
Well over 30 weeks ago we started you all off with FREE home workout challenges We thought we'd re-post our classic This is Volume 1 of 30 Set timer for 20 minutes and repeat the following 15 Squats 10 Leg raise 5 Press ups Try not to stop at all and get through as many reps as you can Enjoy
The lovely Liz Honnor at nearly 60 years young Coming into the unknown, overcoming personal issues and loving the "club' style atmosphere Here's her take on RT Fitness If she can do it you can too! https://rtfitness.leadpages.co/8-week-transformation-sunderland/ P.S We are now taking deposits for our January 8 Week Body Transformation of £50, click the link above...fill out a short application and reserve your space Thank you for watching
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I've noticed recently that mental wellbeing and mindset is being mentioned more and more in the mainstream media as a catalyst for sustainable weight loss. This is awesome! It's awesome for two reasons. Firstly, it's a refreshing change from the usual celebrity endorsed quick fix diet bullshit we all know and love and secondly because it's a massively important and often overlooked aspect of 'health'. If you're familiar with our blogs you'll know that we have and continue to do so. Address this elephant in the room. From our point of view it's very simple. A healthy mind equals a healthy body. Now; you might be thinking I've got that the wrong way around but I disagree. It's all well and good to tell people to go out and exercise and start eating well but if that's your answer then I'd argue you've never experienced some of the issues that poor mental health brings about. If your in such a place that getting out of bed and facing the reality of another day feels like conquering Everest then getting yourself to a gym, full of other people and then exercise is in reality not going to happen. Initially you are far better addressing the more immediate problems. If recent gain in weight has coincided with poor mental health. Then the issue of not participating in structured exercise certainly isn't the reason. When people become more and more overwhelmed by the world they isolate themselves and become increasing sedentary which causes them to gain weight even though they may be eating the same as always. This combined with not having the perceived energy to cook causes them to become lazier in their food choices. Rather than cooking a meal or going to the shops and again facing the outside world you become limited to take aways and convenient foods. Which again only serves to aid the weight gain and make you feel even worse. In these cases to simply say exercise will help is pretty useless advise. Do I agree that exercise and proper diet would help? Of course that's irrefutable but for most people it's just too damn difficult to make that first step. If they do manage to make that first step they seek the wrong advise, end up focusing on the wrong things, inevitably fail and ending up in a worse place than they were when they started. This is why a change in focus is required and much welcomed from our industry. People are honestly better focusing on making themselves happier than thinking that exercising is going to solve all their problems. Address those problems in your life, create a more positive day to day regime and try to make the most out of the short life we actually have. However, if you do enjoy exercising and you feel that it's something that will make you happier then that's even better. Exercise or any physical activity is awesome; especially when you find a form of it you really really enjoy. Exercise shouldn't come with unrealistic expectations and goals. Focus on enjoying yourself and being as happy as you can and doing something you enjoy. If you find a way to do this then any results you want will come as a result. People don't need to train harder they need to train happier and with that change in mindset they'll become healthy and fitter as they go. Dan