Little Jon Boyle - Strength & Conditioning
Twenty five years of experience in the fitness industry has allowed Jon to work with a huge variety of people, from beginners to international athletes. Based in Sunderland, Jon is UKSCA and British Weightlifting accredited coach
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facebook.comMore great shapes hit by the learn to lift crew👍🏻 Braving the snow and smashing their lifts. Today we worked on power clean, squat clean and pulls. They also started to learn split jerk for the first time😀 #socold #40minutewarmup #stampypunchy #whoknickedthewhiteboard #mexicanwave
The three amigos doing a snatch Mexican wave 🏋🏻♂️💥👋🏻 Here they are completing their last reps and last set of triples. Just think two weeks ago none of them had an idea of how to Olympic lift and look how well they are doing. Keep up the good work crew 👍🏻 #thethreeamigos #thatwasntplanned #topmiddleandbottom #friendswholift
Here’s the new recruits who braved the snow ❄️ learning some support exercises. Week 3 of the course and the group are now starting to train like mini weightlifters 👍🏻🏋🏻♂️ What was really nice, was when they each got to watch and coach each other🙋🏼♂️🧐 A great vibe tonight topped off with top tunes playing in the background, good work. #theproclamers #goodmovesandmusic #randomaylist #gamefaceready #allthepositionstheyhate
Man of the moment Michael hitting shapes which were literally impossible for him last week😮 The immovable object is becoming mobile 😀 He has invested a bit of time and effort and it’s paying dividends already. He’s now learning parts of the snatch which he can do safely whilst his overhead position improves. Well done buddy 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 #mightytighty #hesqueeks #50minutewarmup #bunchofsofties #thepoleofshame
Say hi to the new guy Adam 👋🏻 Adam missed the first week so he got quite a bit of coaching and information thrown at him today. He’s learning with two other people which makes for a really fun and enjoyable experience😀 He did great, first session and his first go at a full power clean 🤙🏻 just focusing on holding positions and learning movements. Keep up the good work Adam #thenewguy #inthedeepend #cannyforafirstgo #adamdosentrhymewithshaneorjayne
Big dawg Richie and Michael working hard today 😅 This is Richie’s first go at the full power clean and push jerk🙌🏻 with Michael doing bar work. Head down (deadlifter)on the second rep but good shapes otherwise. He’s mighty athletic so I’m sure he’ll be even better next time! Michael stole the show today however, he was so tight he squeaked 🐭 but he’s worked hard on his mobility and is able to get into much better positions already. #hairylifter #hairlesslifter #mightytighty #powerbeard #shortshorts
Here is the pink ninja 🥋💥 Jayne smashing her hang snatches 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Progress from last week hitting better shapes and starting to pop🏋🏻♂️ She is sooooo much more confident 👊🏻 Great vibes in the room tonight with Shane and the new guy Adam all doing great work😀👌🏻 #thepinkninja #girlswholift #popstamppunch #athleticdevelopment #specsandsnatches #wheredidhecomefrom
Big dawg Richie banging out his first snatch 🏋🏻♂️ He’s discovering that Olympic lifting is challenging but fun. He was a bit groggy😐 in the warm up but with a bit of time spent with the bar he got up to speed nicely💥💥 If Richie can lift his eye-line up a bit more he’ll be flying👍🏻 #hairylifter #thetwotonnebeard #tooathleticforhisowngood #wheresthehairlesslifter #thepoleofshame
Shane doing his first hang clean and push jerk 😀 First week of learn to lift is all about learning positions and understanding what the hell to do. We taught Shane the hang clean,then the push jerk. The challenge starts when you have to put the two together🤨 He did a great job. Jayne is practicing her coaching stance in the background. #twothingsatonce #stampypunchy #igotthatfeelinsomebodyswatchinme
‘Big dawg’ Richie has a lifting buddy 🙌🏻 Michael was after a change and wanted to add a bit of challenge into his training. He’s a ‘mature’ lifter, who is stiffer than stick man 🌴 but here he is putting in the hard work and learning how to move 💥 with big R watching in the background 🧐 Good one Michael💪🏻 Snatch day should be fun 🤭 Come on people get involved 🙋🏼♂️ #liftingbuddies #hairylifter #hairlesslifter #thatsoundslikeawhamsong #comeonletsbehavinya
We found a female lifter!!!yaaay😀😀 Jayne is a complete newbie who had never overhead squatted 😮 until today. This is her first go at doing a high hang snatch🏋🏻♂️ Jayne worked really hard throughout the session, learned a lot and had fun. We need more females lifting so I’m chuffed to bits that Jayne has stepped up👍🏻 #girlswholift #stronglady #betterlatethannever