Lottie and the Dandy Lion
Hey there fancy pants! Chosen with much care and consideration I love to match and clash different fabrics and incorporate this into my products. This mainly consists of a range of ladies' knickers and baby bloomers, but is also incorporated into a range of wall art and cushions. I only ever buy a small amount of fabric and due to this my products are largely unique and rarely replicated.
Self taught, I started off on a hand turned 100year old Singer sewing machine, handed down through the generations. Though I've since progressed to its electric counterpart I still at times revert to this charming, reliable and much, loved original.
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facebook.comOo, first show of the year and what a lovely day it was! Hurrah! 💛 Lots of little ears on their way to new homes 🐰🐻 and lots of flowers coming home with me ☺️🌸that should keep those pesky 🐌 in food for a while 🙈
Photos from Lottie Buttons's post
This week I had a day trip to London and a peek in Liberty's at their gorgeous fabric, where I thought I might be asked to leave for stroking material and loitering 😊 wasn't supposed to be buying but couldn't resist this exclusive Alice in Wonderland print so made off with a cheeky snippet of that. Shall be whooshed up into a very limited amount of knickers later in the week but for today just had to make some into a little bunny hat 🐰 there's definitely a winter you nip in the air so is it too early for the grinch to be making an appearance? 🎄 and another few fleecy hoods have been on the agenda of late, gonna keep them little noggins snug and cosy 🐻💛
Lottie Buttons's cover photo
Photos from Lottie Buttons's post
Well slap my thigh and call me Nelly, I've only gone and got a few pairs listed in my etsy shop for the first time in a while! 🎉💃🏽😊 slowed down in part by making snug hats for little bears and bunnies 🐰🐻
Metalgraffiti Jewellery workshop
You really do meet some of the bestest people at festivals, and here's some beautiful jewellery by some of just those 💃🏽
Photos from Lottie Buttons's post
I've had some lovely comments, feedback, enquires and orders lately which is, well, just bloody ace really! 💗After festival season I'm a bit wiped out of stock, which is why I have an empty etsy shop, and as I only do this part time I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up (I'm secretly really pleased about this as it's not something I thought would happen 😊) But have been at the cutting table today and have some lush patterns on the go, and more stacked up for the cutting. And because the sensible thing to do is to stock up on lines your running short of before starting another I, of course, haven't done this and have been having a go at some fleece lined little hats 🐻🐨 What I could really do with are some pant cutting elves, if you find any please do send them on over! 😊🌅
Photos from Lottie Buttons's post
Due to unforeseen circumstances it's been ages since I've posted anything - 152 days to be precise as Facebook reliably informs me! But today, spurred on by the purchase of some new fabrics, I've been back at the sewing machine, hurrah 🎉I've also found a superdooper new elastic supplier (I know, exciting news!! 🙈), who does perfect mermaidy elastic. So what was a girl to do but invest in some of my very favourite mermaid fabric, well, some of my very favourite fabric altogether really 🌊 Now I don't think many of these actually made it up for sale when I last had this fabric, as I accidentally made them all in my own size and kept them, whoops! 😊Apart from one pair that I sold to a very beautiful drag queen, but that's another story...💃🏽
Photos from Lottie Buttons's post
Happy Easter y'all! 🌼 we're taking our home baking and heading to Ma Buttons for lunch - we're taking our fancy pants too, but we take them everywhere 😉🐰🙈🌸
Photos from Lottie Buttons's post
What with there mostly being unicorns, fairies and hares on the cutting table it's been getting all a little whimsical in the land of fancy pants of late! 🐰 So thought I should restore some balance with a bit of shark bait and some pin up girls 💃🏽 ...not that there's anything wrong with a bit of whimsy 😊
Photos from Lottie Buttons's post
New listings on etsy twice in one week?! Someone's had too much coffee ☕️☺️💜🌸
Photos from Lottie Buttons's post
Having nipped to the fabric shop get a new seam ripper - I know, my life is so rock and roll! - I accidentally spent £20 on fabric, including these two lovelies 🌸🍂🍃 Not only that but I've had fairies on the cutting board and an appearance from Wonder Woman, what a busy old day! Time for tea and a cheeky hobnob ☕️🍪