Westfield Air Rifle Club
Westfield Air Rifle Club Located near Strathblane, we hold informal target shooting as well as some serious competitions!
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facebook.comGood luck to the club members travelling down south for the Andrew Luckley charity shoot at Northern Monkeys. Have a good time. Sorry , I can't make it ( working this weekend in Edinburgh :( )
SACS - Scottish Association for Country Sports
UKAL Rd8 Sunday 11th August - Hosted at Grampian ARC Usual for garc 9 30 sign in s brief 10.45 start 11
The woman's tour of Scotland road race is on the 9 - 11th August. They will be passing the club on 10th August so watch out for more cycles and cars.
FT/HFTx Sunday 4th August - Hosted at Bedlay AGC Sign in from 9.30am safety brief 10.15am Filled rolls and Tea/Coffee will be available AFTER the shoot
Statutory guidance to police on firearms licensing
SCORES FROM YESTERDAY: - 1 Gold, 2 silver and 1 Bronze for Westfield TAYSIDE AIRGUN CLUB SARC LEAGUE ROUND 2 21st July 2019 SPORTING RIFLE 1st Billy Hutton Dunfermline 48 2nd Tom McBride Westfield 44 Shoot Off 3rd Paul Cockrell Tayside 44 Shoot Off Alan Walker Tayside 44 Shoot Off Andy Humphrey Westfield 43 Allan Thomson New Kypeside 39 Keith Pitt Westfield 39 Will Wilson Individual 27 RECOILING 1st Gareth Hunt Tayside 47 2nd Derek Cochrane Tayside 46 3rd Gavin Wemyss Tayside 37 Peter Denmark New Kypeside 30 Bill Kennedy Westfield 30 David Kay New Kypeside 26 0.22 1st Jacqui Stevenson Westfield 40 2nd Peter Lowe Dunfermline 35 3rd Ian Carlin Westfield 29 LADIES 1st Kathleen Male Tayside 42 2nd Karen McBride Westfield 41 3rd Christine Christie Cloybank 39 Junior Scott Anderson Cloybank 41 TARGET RIFLE 1st David Carter Dunfermline 59 2nd Nick Hopkinson Cloybank 58 3rd Kenny Bird Cloybank 52 Conor McSherry Cloybank 50 Fred Fordyce New Cali 49 Bryan Kerr Dunfermline 48 Danny Keenan Dunfermline 45 Frank McManus Cloybank 44 Barry Millar Individual 39
Thanks to all at Tayside ARC for a great day. The STS AIr SARC shoot had a few tricky targets. Good use of the ground to make some confusing shots. Thanks to Kathleen and Christine for going round the course with me today. I still cant believe that I got a doughnut on target 5 :) Scores and pics up soon.
STS SARC shoot Sunday 21st July - Hosted at Tayside ARC Probably 12pm start TBC Auchterhouse, Dundee DD3 0QN
Hi all, here are the scores from yesterday - Scottish HFT Championship hosted by Cloybank Phoenix. 2019 Scottish Champion James Hesson Open Class James Hesson Dunfermline 59 57 116 Greg Morss Dunfermline 57 58 115 Nick Hopkinson Cloybank 58 57 115 Grant Thomson Dunfermline 56 58 114 Wullie Hoggan Bedlay 55 57 112 Craig Innes Dunfermline 55 57 112 Gary Kerr Individual 56 55 111 John Fleming New Caledonian 57 53 110 Duncan Dymock Cloybank 55 55 110 David Carter Dunfermline 59 50 109 Ian Munro New Caledonian 53 55 108 Chris Brunton Dunfermline 54 53 107 Tommy Fleming Cloybank 53 54 107 Paul Wilkinson Cloybank 52 54 106 Graham Webster Dechmont 53 50 103 Chris Cowin Juniper Green 49 53 102 Ross Kerr Dunfermline 53 49 102 Dave Cowin Juniper Green 52 48 100 Bryan Kerr Dunfermline 52 48 100 Andy Malloch Cloybank 50 50 100 Gordon Downie Cloybank 53 45 98 Alex Lindsay Dunfermline 51 45 96 Jim Nelson Bedlay 49 47 96 John Kelly Cloybank 47 49 96 James Graham Bedlay 49 43 92 Gerald Wells Cloybank 44 46 90 Tony Dobbie Individual 45 42 87 Alan McDowell NASGARC 43 42 85 Jimmy Farmer Cloybank 44 40 84 William Hamilton Cloybank 40 41 81 Danny Keenan Dunfermline 40 38 78 Connor McSherry Cloybank 56 0 56 Darrin Lloyd Northern Monkeys 44 0 44 Ian O'Hara Dunfermline 0 0 0 Veterans Class Neil Paton Dunfermline 56 50 106 Graham Livingstone New Caledonian 53 52 105 Fred Fordyce New Caledonian 48 51 99 Bill Kerr Cloybank 46 50 96 James Baluk Cloybank 48 42 90 Frank McManus Cloybank 43 41 84 Junior Class Amy Dobbie Individual 49 46 95 Scott Anderson Cloybank 47 41 88 Liam Hamilton Cloybank 43 45 88 Ladies Class Mandy Fleming Cloybank 48 47 95 Karlene Scotland Juniper Green 46 43 89 Christine Christie Cloybank 45 39 84 Claire Bowie Individual 43 40 83 Recoiling Class Euan Bowie Dunfermline 42 41 83 Shug Connelly Individual 41 40 81 .22 Class Jim Cavanagh Independent 50 49 99 Billy Middleton NASGARC 44 40 84 Pete Lowe Dunfermline 44 39 83 Jacqui Stevenson Westfield 38 39 77
Scores for today's open sight shoot from Peter Lowe Scores on the doors for today's competition. Open sights class. 1st Nick Pye, 47 - shoot off. 2nd, Bill Kennedy, 47 - shoot off. 3rd, Gavin Wemyss, 42 Pete Lowe, 41 Kathleen Male, 36 Bryan Kerr, 35 Danny Keenan, 34 Keith Pitt, 29 Brian Keary, 26 and Bully's special prize winner Mark Lyon, 24. Scoped class 1st, Paul Wilkinson, 51. 2nd Danny Cuthill, 41. 3rd Gerard Wells, 39. Neil Haddifon, 38 Jimmy Baluck, 35. Special grudge match !st, Billy Hutton, 52 all kneeling 2nd, Dave Carter, 67 all standing. It was nice to see Ian, Sue and Gibbs who came up for a visit. Speedy recovery, Ian. Many thanks to all who came along today, the folk at Tayside will be holding another open sights shoot later in the year, will keep all posted.
Scottish HFT championships 14th July 2019 , Cloybank Pheonix APRC , Banknock . This will be two 30 Target courses , shot AM and PM . Both courses will be set and shot to 2019 UKAHFT format and Rules . Sign-in will be in the Cafe from 8.15 till 9am . Safety-brief 9.20 - for a 9.30 Start . Cost is 15 pounds , Juniors free . Posted by Kenny on SAG