Tia's Closet
Tia's Closest is an online pet boutique selling unique / special clothing and accessories for your little pampered pooches. We at Tia's Closest have a great love for pets especially our little poodle Tia. We never thought of having a glamorous pet in our lives, then we re-homed Tia when she was 2 years old and she brought a passion for fashion into our home. We see Tia as part of our family and like our two beautiful children, we think she deserves the best, so why not dress her in the best. Our clothing and accessories are of a very high standard and if we don't have what your looking for on our page then just drop us a little message and we will try our best to find it for you. Hope you have as much fun with you'r little pampered pooch as we do with ours.
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Just click on the link below to shop at Tia's closet!!😊 Some beautiful doggy christmas clothes in stock now!! https://www.facebook.com/pg/tiasclosetni/shop/?rid=1101394249896932&rt=9&ref=page_internal
Tia's Closet's cover photo
I Like Animals
Pretty 52
Aww love this!! The wee honey wants to join in on the fun!!
Pretty 52
John Lewis
Loving the new John Lewis ad, put a big smile on my face this morning!! #BusterTheBoxer
Tia's Closet
Perfect for these wet days!! ONLY £18.95 ** FREE postage to UK and Ireland** Also available in Red or Green.
The winner of our like and share competition. What do you all think? Isn't Bella looking just gorgeous in her new fashion? 😊
****DRUM ROLL PLEASE!! ********* The winner of our like and share competition is: Shannen Quegan Congratulations Shannen. We will pm you soon with what details we need. Thanks to everyone for all your likes and shares. Keep an eye out for more like and share competitions the future!! 😊
Best Vines
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2433821383307573&id=170901143077174 Aww how cute!! 😊😊
MetDaan Creative
Photos from Tia's Closet's post
Look at this little beauty!! This little coat is fleece lined and also has a fleece collar and sleeves ensuring that your dog will stay snug and warm. Perfect for these cold days. The box pleats and bows make this coat just too cute for words! — Products shown: Red Highland Tartan Fleece-Lined Coat.