The DoneThing Ltd
web design and hosting company that provides responsive web sites. this company is based in Stevenage, Hertfordshire.
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The web is a rapidly evolving universe. It's important developers keep up to date and stay close to new tools, trends and workflows.
The Done Thing Ltd offers responsive web design services. but is that enough any more? We don't think so. we also look at design, user experience, The target audience that you as a business or individual are aiming for. The interactive options on you website and what will make people come back. Search engine optimization (S.E.O) and what that means, engagement on social media. We also offer hosting services. Best of all we listen to what you want and advise the best way to achieve your vision!
Think with Google UK on Twitter
#webdesign training can help all!
DMDConnects on Twitter
#Webdesign Mobile are taking over...... until the next innovation😎!
Announcing Project Rome Android SDK
Retweeted Windows Developer (@windowsdev): Watching the #WindowsDevDay livestream right now? Learn all about Project Rome right here:
T.D.T- web Design (@theDonethingLtd) posted a photo on Twitter
#webdesign smartphone technology is increasing, mobiles will be used to shop and search the web. Responsive web design a must.
NHS Million on Twitter
#NHSdiscussion well known fact!
NHS Million on Twitter
#NHSdiscussion who true, will any one listen before it is too late!
Thousands of patients could be forced into care homes due to CCG cuts
Retweeted HealthServiceJournal (@HSJnews): Norman Lamb: "It is the worst manifestation of the pressure on the system"