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Clems fish restaurant spennymoor

16 Clyde Terrace, Spennymoor, United Kingdom



Fish and chip restaurant / takeaway with 46 seats  


End of an era after 13 years of doing outside catering we have hung up our aprons and Andrew and Peter the boiler suits they climbed on the roof in all weathers, the last in the snow on Thursday at Poplar Tree Nurseries staff xmas party. We have catered for many fantastic events and made many great memories over the years. We would like to thank everyone who supported us on our venture and weather you have hired us or just popped on for a coffee or fish and chips we were gratefull for your custom. A big thank you also to the many staff who have helped us over the years to serve the thousands of customers we have had up our steps. Again thank you to everyone for the support.

A Big Happy Birthday to 4 yr old Captain Tommy from all the staff at Clems, hope you enjoyed your party and all your little matey.s enjoyed their pirate nibbles

Clems would like to say WELL DONE to an amazing genuine young [well youngish] man Mark Solan. He has achieved what he set out to do. We remember him as a boy coming in with his family for their fish and chips and they would be so proud of him today and the help his giving to other family,s affected by illness.. He has just a few short miles to go now, f Ianyone is wanting to give a pound or few pence we have a tub on our counter you can just drop in and drop your money in you don,t have to buy anything .LETS SEE IF WE CAN HELP THIS CAUSE because we never know when it will be us that will be needing the TRUSTS HELP **. WELL DONE MARK WHEN YOU GET BACK YOUR FIRST FISH AND CHIPS ARE ON US **

Clems along with all of it's staff and also our customers (im sure) would like to congratulate Mark Solan for winning regional pride of Britain award Well done Mark.

The staff in their footy shirts for Bradley lowery's fight against neuroblastoma, sleep tight little Smiler.🔭🔭🐑

The staff wearing their football tops

The staff of Clems would like to thank customers who donated into our Bradley fund we raised £140 pounds which was amazing thank you for your continued support,

What a turn out for little Bradley Lowery. We at the Spennymoor shop are wearing football shirts or own clothes and paying Fiver into Bradley Lowery foundation . We have a tin on our counter if ànyone wants to call in and drop a penny or a pound in I'm sure the Bradley Lowery Foundation will use at for good causes

What a turnout for a special boy today if anybody in spennymoor wants to donate even a pound for the Bradley lowery's fight against neuroblastoma to go into the Bradley Lowery Foundation then call and put your pennies or pounds into the spennymoor Clems shop we have a tin on the counter all staff have put in to wear own clothes and customers are more than welcome to put in to it

On Friday 14th the staff of Clems will be celebrating the life of little Bradley Lowery by showing there support and wearing either football tops or coloured tea shirts to show cancer has no colours from cleaners to prep and serving staff if your in on Friday help us celabrate the little smilers short years by popping a pound into his tin all monies to go into Bradley Lowery foundation . Lets dig deep folk THANK YOU IN ADVANCE

Such sad news and our thoughts are with Bradley,s family, friends and the nation who took him into their hearts, We will be putting a tin on the counter and all moneys in there will go into the Bradley Lowery fund Bradley the little boy with a brave heart and an even bigger smile. R.I.P. BRAD


NEAR Clems fish restaurant spennymoor