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Clubbercise Spalding with Alison

Spalding Grammar School, Priory Road, Spalding, United Kingdom
Recreation & Fitness



Easy-to-follow dance routines to club anthems from 90's to today with glow sticks & disco lights!
Get fit and have fun! A dance fitness class with easy-to-follow routines using glow sticks to club classics from the
nineties to now.
What happens in a Clubbercise class?
After checking in you’ll be given a set of rave glow sticks. We darken the room, get the Laser lights & disco lights
going and start with a simple warm up routine. Then we work up a sweat dancing to club classics from the 90′s to
recent dance anthems. The routines are easy-to-follow and always have high or low impact options.
What should I wear/bring?
No heels! Just trainers and sportswear/streetwear/fitness clothing… something you can dance/rave in… and
make sure you bring some water.
Do I need to be an experienced dancer?
Having rhythm helps but we deliberately make our routines easy-to-follow so anyone can have a go.
Do I need to be fit?
A reasonable level of fitness would help but we do teach high and low impact options so our classes are fine if
you’re just starting out on a fitness regime or if you’re already a fitness freak!


Timeline Photos

It's Clubber of the month time! Sarah has lost an incredible 8 1/2 stone through healthy eating and exercise. She puts so much energy into her workouts and often does 2 classes back to back! Well done Sarah!! A free class pass and Essential well being voucher is coming your way. Xxx

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Don't forget this Tuesday only at 7.35pm (2nd class) you can bring a friend for free and get your class for half price! The free class can only be for new Clubbers who have not been to my class before. You can book your space by following this link.

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Clubbercise Spalding with Alison Thursday 7pm

Just found this video on my phone!! Are you on it?

Just found this video on my phone!! Are you on it?

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Timeline Photos

Clubbercise Spalding with Alison Thursday 7pm

Clubbercise Spalding with Alison Tuesday 7.35pm

Clubbercise Spalding with Alison Tuesday 6.30pm

Bookings open for next week. Xxx

Clubbercise Spalding with Alison's cover photo

Clubbercise Spalding with Alison's cover photo

Clubbercise Spalding with Alison's cover photo

Clubbercise Spalding with Alison's cover photo

Clubbercise Spalding with Alison's cover photo

Clubbercise Spalding with Alison's cover photo

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Half way

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NEAR Clubbercise Spalding with Alison

Nails By Sammy

Spalding, United Kingdom
Spas/beauty/personal care