St Mark and St Cuthbert
Located right by Cleadon Park on Quarry Lane, this modern Church of England building houses a warm and welcoming community. We try to model God’s love for us in our worship of him and in our service of others in our community and beyond. Baptisms, weddings and funerals are held here alongside weekly (Tuesday, 10am) and Sunday worship (9.30am).
For booking of Christenings, Weddings and Calling of Banns, there will be someone available every Saturday at 10:30am.
Messy Church meets monthly, on the last Saturday of the month, at 10.30am.
We also meet for coffee on the second Saturday of the month in the Church Hall, with exceedingly good bacon sandwiches. All are welcome!
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides meet in the Church Hall, which is also available to hire for regular or one-off events.
For any queries about church services or Hall hire contact Church Warden Rose Bland on 0191 3666310
Tell your friends
facebook.comWe've just got our first wedding booking of 2018. First of many, perhaps? Wishing congratulations on all who are newly engaged, please think to consider getting married in your local church, you'll be welcome ❤️
Happy Christmas one and all. One more Christmas Day service for Cleadon Park & Harton, at St Cuthbert's 10am. All welcome.
Info about our Christmas services
#justcome and celebrate Christmas at the parish church
We know we don't have enough going on for young people, but it helps if we still have a church and hall to do what we can. Please think before starting fires! And this respecting their privacy by not showing the perpetrators [clearly]. There are much clearer shots on the CCTV for @NPSHarton. You are putting yourselves in danger doing this, please don't.
Make sure you put our crib service in your diaries. Christmas Eve 4pm to build our crib, with songs from the children and some traditional carols. All welcome. Extra stars, sheep and angels can take part 🐑🌟👼
And make sure you put our crib service in your diaries. Christmas Eve 4pm to build our crib, with songs from the children and some traditional carols. All welcome. Extra stars, sheep and angels can take part 🐏🌟👼
Looking forward to welcoming Cleadon Towers Nursery to church today for their first carol service #GodWithUs
If you haven't seen the trees yet, come along after 11. Or have a look before the community Christingle service, all welcome - what's an orange got to do with Christmas? Find out at 3pm #trychurch
Roll up, roll up, lots to see, drink, buy, eat...
As well as Teddy Tombola, there's cakes aplenty too. Open at 10.30