St Laurence's Church, Scalby
St Laurence's Church is one of eight churches in the North Scarborough Group Ministry. Vicar - Rev Alastair Ferneley
Assistant Priest - Rev Marion Wright
Associate Priest - Rev Don Maciver
Assistant Curate - Rev David Pynn
Church Services on Sunday's
8:00am Holy Communion
10:00am - 1st Sunday of the month - All Age Worship
2nd and 4th Sunday - Holy Communion
3rd and 5th Sunday - Morning Worship
6:00pm - Evensong, Taize or Iona
Thursday Services
10:30am - Holy Communion
7:30 pm - Café Service, 4th Thursday in Church Rooms
Messy Church every 3rd Saturday in the month
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Photos from St Laurence's Church, Scalby's post
NICK HELPS POKEMON GO MEET THE BIG FRIENDLY READ! On Wednesday 10 August from 10am – 1pm, Scalby Library will be hosting an event in which the new game Pokémon Go will meet the The Big Friendly Read, this year’s national Summer Reading Challenge. Activities will include A Pokémon Hunt, led by Nick Welford, Minister in Training at St Laurence’s Church Scalby, along with the opportunity to sign-up for The Big Friendly Read. Nick has been saving Pokémon lures to use at the nearest Pokéstop to Scalby Library, which is Newby & Scalby Community Hall on Scalby Road, and it's hoped that lots of youngsters will come along to take advantage of this! They will also be able to join in with the Big Friendly Read and Nick will give a short talk to parents about what Pokémon Go is: its positives and negatives. Free soft drinks, biscuits and cake will be served at the event by the Trustees and some of the library volunteers. Other Big Friendly Read events at Scalby Library for 4-11 year olds include Crocodile Crafts on Wednesday 3 August, 10.30-11.30am and Tortoise Crafts on Wednesday 31 August, also from 10.30-11.30am. Booking is essential and parents should ring 01609 - 534059 to book a place. St Laurence's Church and Scalby Methodist Church are Pokéstops!
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Taking bookings now!
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The next All-Age Service is on Sunday 4th September, 10am - 10.45am. Come and enjoy this lively service for children and adults of all ages!
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Messy Sports at the Rugby Club on Scalby Road, Saturday 6 August, 10.30am - 1.30pm. Lots of fun games and sports along with a BBQ and a fun celebration time for all ages. Just turn up!
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Summer Kids' Club - for children at Primary School, aged 4-11 years. Wednesday 24th & Thursday 25th August and Wednesday 21st August & Thursday 1st September. To book a place please contact Jo on 360123 or
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The next Messy Church Sessions are on on Saturdays 17 July, 6 August (at the Rugby Club), 17 September, 15 October, 19 November & 17 December, 4-6pm at St Laurence's Church Rooms. Come and join us for FUN crafts, FUN activities, FUN celebration time and a lovely meal (no charge). Messy Church is for all ages.
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HELP NEEDED AT THE SUNSHINE LUNCHES! Can you give a couple of hours to serve lunch in the Church Rooms to a lovely, friendly group of elderly people from our parish? Thursday 14 July, 12 noon - 2pm. Ring Lesley on 367003.
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FOREST CHURCH is on Sunday 10 July 2.20 - 4.30 at Stoupe Brow, Ravenscar. Meet at car park (£1). Seashore ramble with fossil hunting & hopefully a chance to see some seals. Stream dipping and pebble painting for younger ones. Beach BBQ & worship at the end. More details from Griselda James 870003.
Photos from St Laurence's Church, Scalby's post
Don't miss the Exhibition of Contemporary Textiles inspired by WW1 at the church now!
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Here's the moving tribute our Children's Groups have made to those who gave their lives for our freedom 100 years ago. Don't miss the exhibition in church and the church rooms Friday - Sunday this week!
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Newby and Scalby in WW1 Exhibition and Threads of War Exhibition of contemporary textiles inspired by WW1 in the Church Rooms and Church, Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd July, 10am - 4pm, Sunday 3rd July 12 noon - 4pm. Sunday 6.30pm Service of Peace & Reconciliation in Church: music, poems and prose, led by Revd Alan Brown