St Michael and All Angels Sandhurst
We help people of all ages explore the Christian faith, experience meaningful worship, support Fairtrade and have activities for families and young people. St. Michael’s is the Church of England parish church for most of the town of Sandhurst. (The area north of Yorktown Road and east of Rackstraw Road is the Parish of St. George in Owlsmoor.) We have a beautiful church building, which is known by many who have attended weddings, christenings or other special occasions here, or who have relatives buried in the churchyard.
But St. Michael’s is not a building – it is a community of people who worship God together, and who want to know God better and serve him better in our daily lives – at home, at work and in the community.
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facebook.comServices for Sunday 1 September 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Communion (Traditional) 11.15am Family Service 6.30pm Contemplative Evening Prayer Topic & Readings (8.00 & 9.30) "A Rebuke To The Nation" Jeremiah 2:4-13 Luke 14:1,7-14
John Castle's sermon on "A Prophetic Calling" (the story of Jeremiah) is now available at
Services for Sunday 25 August 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Communion (Community Feel) (NO evening service) Topic & Readings "A Prophetic Calling" Jeremiah 1:4-10 Luke 13:10-17
August 2019 Services
Text of this mornings sermon "The Cost of Faith" by Dave Percival is on the website.
Services for Sunday 18 August 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Communion (Reflective) 11.15am Family Service (NO evening service) Topic & Readings (8.00 & 9.30) "The Cost of Faith" Hebrews 11:29-12:2 Luke 12:49-56
August 2019 Services
Text and audio recording of this mornings sermon by Emma Hodge on the letter to the Hebrews are on the website.
Services for Sunday 11 August 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Communion (Informal) (NO evening service) Topic & Readings "What Do You put Your Faith In?" Hebrews 11:1-16 Luke 12:32-40
August 2019 Services
Text and audio recording of yesterday morning's sermon by Rev John White are on the website.
The August Newsletter is on the website.
Services for Sunday 4 August 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Communion (Traditional) 11.15am Family Service 6.30pm Contemplative Evening Prayer Topic & Readings (8.00 & 9.30) "A New Way of Life" Colossians 3:1-11 Luke 12:13-21
July 2019 Services
Text of last Sunday evening's sermon by Rev John White is on the website.