The Affinity Group - TAG
A series of monthly thought provoking talks - Starting at 7:30pm and ending by 9:30pm Venue:
Sarum College.
19 The Close
SP1 2EE Cost, Venue, Times and Parking
The cost is £7 per person.
7.15 for 7.30 start.
All event
Who and what is TAG?
This will be the third year of TAG events. The group has been initiated by Linda and Sara, inspired by the Positive Living Group in Bournemouth run by Sue Stone.
The group aims to bring like minded people together to hear inspirational speakers on a wide range of topics. The name Affinity means a natural liking, taste or inclination for a person or a thing and we hope it continues to live up to its name.
If you would like to speak at a TAG session or for further information email us:
Tell your friends
facebook.comHello everyone, just to let you know that we are having a little winter break, but we will be back on March the 14th when we will be welcoming Sue Stone. Personal empowerment and happiness coach, Motivational speaker, Business Mentor and secret Millionaire. Sue is an amazing speaker and was our inspiration for starting TAG ten years ago and also our very first speaker. We are so pleased that she has agreed to come and speak for us once again on our 10TH Anniversary. We hope you can make it and look forward to seeing you. Many thanks for your continued support with TAG.
Hi all, we have just received a call from Janet to say her car has broken down and she is unable to make our session in person, she strongly feels the universe is conspiring to keep her off the road tonight. We are therefore going to connect with Zac via Skype. We will get all the same information and be able to ask questions just not be with him/her in person. We just felt we should let you know in case this makes a difference for you in attending.
Our annual contact with Zac. Back by popular demand for our third year, an excellent way to see one year out and think about the year ahead. Janet has a lovely working partnership with Zacchariah. known affectionately as Zac, who is a kind, wise and joyful consciousness. The evening will include a short talk by Janet before she hands over to Zac as Im sure you ill be keen to hear what he has to say and feel the energy he emanates! Please do ask questions, Zac thrives on the interaction and will gladly shed light from a higher consciousness on most topics.
Theresa Dahl - The great shift - the context our times. What it is and how we can make the most of it. We live in exciting times. The Great shift that has been prophesied by many cultures for thousands of years. 2012 marked a turning point for humanity. There has been much change on Earth since then and much more is coming. In this talk we will look at how we can make sense of the big and chaotic changes, and how we can understand our lives within the context of The Great Shift. Theresa willl speak about the implications at a spiritual level and how this may manifest in other aspects of our lives. Most importantly, Theresa will explain how we can make the most of The Great Shift and all that it ofers us individually and as a global family.
Where does Chocolate come from? What does 'Raw Chocolate' mean? How do you sweeten it without sugar? How can I make my own healthy chocolate? In this workshop you will learn to make Raw Chocolate and treats. Find out where Raw Cacao comes from and its benifits. Its ideal for vegan, sugar free or gluten free diets. The cost of this worshop is £67 this includes a box of 12 Raw Chocolates to take home. A recipe booklet savoury snacks and tea. To book for this workshop please email:
Following the publication of her book in 2015 Dr Patricia Worby looks at a new paradigm in mind body medicine; emotional healing as a route to health and wellness. Patricia will show how emotional trauma, particularly from early childhood experience, landscapes the brain to trigger the stress response. The unresolved emotion is highly implicated in chronic disease including chronic pain, fatigue and the growing list of auto-immune disease. She will look at the physiology amd psychology of the stress response in some detail and see how unresolved childhood events, sensitivity and peronality predisposition can combine to set us up for chronic illness.She will then describe some of the ways in which she treats them. Dr Worby will be covering both the science and the practice of healing, from the inside out.
Bridget Woodward will be joining us and sharing her thoughts on creativity and the impact it can have on our lives. In this talk Bridget will explore how using the arts can lead us to a deeper connection with ourselves and others. Be ready to have fun and free your creative spirt.
Just to let you all know that we have been advised that the high street entrance to the Close will be closed this week. We have however been assured that the Exeter street gates will be open for us on Wednesday.
Peter Knight will be joining us this month to talk about his ground breaking new book on how most symbols, and myths, were absorbed into Christianity from ancient cultures such as from Rome, Greece, Egypt and northern Europe. He will guide us through how the Goddess and sun gods were turned into key characters in church iconography. As always he will include some stunning images in his presentation. Hope to see you there.
Hi to you all, just to let you know that there will be no TAG in June but we will be back on July 19th when we will be welcoming Peter Knight who will be speaking about his new book Symbols and Myths. More details to follow.
Please note that our event this Wednesday evening The Keys to the golden City will not be at our usual venue. We will be just down the road at St Thomas's Church rooms on St Thomas Square just beside the church. SP1 1BA. We hope to see you there.
The Keys to the Golden City - with Vikki Burke
Vikki returns to TAG with her new book. 'The Keys to the Golden City' Vikki will be reading excerpts from her book, singing with her harp and taking you around the 12 months of the year to get a taste of what our seasonal astrological journey offers as a guide to the deeper understanding of life. If you have not seen Vikki perform before you are in for a bit of a treat. Hope to see you there.