Elen Lloyd Natural Nutritionist & Exercise Coach
This page is for anyone who wants to live a healthy, fulfilled lifestyle. I am an exercise coach, Pilates instructor and I give nutrition advice for all.
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Cranberries may aid the gut microbiome, food scientists find: First evidence that a beneficial gut bacterium can grow when fed a carbohydrate in cranberries
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Elen Lloyd | Pilates | Gogledd Cymru
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda / Happy New Year Pilates Ailddechrau wythnos yma / Restarting this week Neuadd Eleanor, Llanfair DC: Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday 9:15am - Pilates 10:30am Pilates ar y bel / Pilates on the ball Dydd Gwener / Friday 9:15am - Powerlates 10:30am - Pilates Pafiliwn Rhewl Pafilion: Dydd Mercher / Wednesday 6:15pm - Pilates 7:30pm - Powerlates Croeso cynnes i bawb /Everyone welcome Dim rhaid archebu / No need to book (ac eithrio Pilates ar y bêl /except Pilates on the ball) Talu wrth fynd £7 neu 12 dosbarth am £72 Pay as you go £7 or 12 classes for £72
Pilates & Powerlates Cwrs 7 wythnos rhwng rwan a'r Nadolig 7 week course between now and Christmas Mae Powerlates wedi’i selio ar Pilates ond yn fwy deinamig ac yn anoddach. Mae'n canolbwyntio ar gryfder ac yn ein cadw ni'n ystwyth. Os de chi'n chwilio am ymarferion unigryw, sy’n cyfuno gwella cryfder y craidd a’r cefn yn ogystal â bod yn aerobig, yna dewch i drio hwn. Powerlates is more advanced than Pilates. It's a unique dynamic take on the original Pilates exercise. This workout will burn body fat whilst toning the muscles and reinforce strong, mobile joints. If you’re looking for a unique cardio workout which combines the improvement of core and back strength, flexibility as well as aerobic conditioning, then give this one a go. Powerlates - Nos Fercher / Wednesday evenings Pafiliwn Rhewl Pavilion @ 7:30pm Bore Gwener / Friday mornings Neuadd Eleanor, Llanfair DC @ 9:15am Dosbarthiadau Pilates a Pilates ar y bel hefyd ar gal. Pilates and Pilates on the ball classes also available.
Chemicals in Food May Harm Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says
Coffee. Mom. Repeat
Nawn ni drio hyn yn y dosbarth Pilates nesa ia?! Let's try this in the next Pilates class?!
Pilates yn ailddechrau wythnos yma ar ol y seibiant dros wylie'r haf. Methu aros! Dim rhaid bwcio, ond cysylltwch plis os de chi awydd dod i Pilates ar y bel. £7 talu wrth fynd neu £72 am 12. Croeso i bawb! Pilates restarting this week after the break over summer holidays. Can't wait! No need to book but please get in touch if you fancy giving Pilates on the ball a go. £7 pay as you go or £72 for 12. Everyone welcome!
CHEK Institute
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