The Hart School
The Hart School will replace Fair Oak and Hagley Park Academies in September 2016 and will offer improved academic and extra-curricular opportunities. This is the official Facebook page of The Hart School, Rugeley, replacing previous pages for Rugeley Academies.
This page is strictly for the sharing of positive news and information to benefit our students and their families, and any negative or inflammatory comments will be removed.
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facebook.comThe Hart School PTFA gets going! The new PTFA group at the Hart School, created to raise much needed funds to benefit our students and local Rugeley Charities has decided upon its first event! A Movie Night will be held at Lower School in January, where we will be asking students to vote on which film they would like to see. Ticket price will include a drink and popcorn. We will update you after the Christmas holidays. If you would like to be involved in the PTFA we would love to have you, drop us an email on
Prefects Charity Bake Sale The prefects are running a charity bake sale in Rugeley Town Centre Library on Saturday (Dec 2nd) in aid of Teenage Cancer trust from 11:00-2:00. Pop along and treat yourself!
Library Recommendations You may be mad on gaming and watch Ali A on Youtube – but did you know he’s an avid reader as well? He was challenged to recommend some books for lovers of a variety of games, so you can give then a try too. They’re all on the library shelves, waiting for you. He’s not only a keen reader, he’s a writer too - his new graphic novel for young people is in the library now for you to borrow
Student Conference The Hart School Student Conference met last night for a very successful and productive meeting. The students left the meeting with ideas and actions to help drive the school forward! A massive well done to Luke Martin, who chaired the meeting alone for the first time and to Jack Gill, who took detailed and comprehensive minutes. Well done to all involved, your commitment to the school is recognised!
PTFA Meeting - Lower School tonight 4.30pm Just a reminder for anyone that would like to be involed in a new PTFA for the school, that we are holding a meeting tonight at 4.30pm at Lower School. See you there.
Year 9 Football The Y9 boys 6-a-side team took part in their annual competition at EDA tonight. Conditions were bitterly cold which made it difficult to produce any free-flowing football. The Hart School competed in league 2 along with Cardinal Griffin, The Friary, Netherstowe and SUA. Each game lasted six minutes in total which meant that chances would be at a premium and so it proved. The boys began with a 2 – 0 defeat to a well-organised and skilful Cardinal Griffin team. In their second game they took on SUA and produced a much better performance but still lost the game 1 – 0. Their performance continued to increase and they were unlucky not to beat The Friary in their third game, having to settle for a 0 – 0 draw. The Hart School’s final game saw them face Netherstowe and despite another solid performance they could not manage to find the target and ended the game with another 1 – 0 defeat. Bad luck lads! Alfie Gladwin Sam Mellor Radley Knight Alfie Wass Jack Clews Callum Price Evan Downes
Christmas Jumper Day - Friday 15th December This year we are going to split the proceeds of our Christmas Jumper Day between Save the Children, and the local Rugeley Foodbank. We know that Christmas is a tough time for many local families, and there are many things which families need which aren't donated in the regular Foodbank donations. This money will allow the Foodbank to purchase these additional vital items, such as protein based foods, and personal hygiene products which families need desperately. A donation of £1 will be collected in Tutor Groups
Year 10 Parents Evening
Word of the Week Mrs Adams is challenging Hart School students to widen their vocabulary, so is deciding on a library word of the week every Monday. Students using the word correctly in Mrs Adams’ hearing will get a chocolate and some Vivos – so get your self down to the library this week – because reading is never superfluous to learning!
Year 10 PPE’s
Year 8 PPE's
Pre-Public Examinations Preparation This week, year 8 students had a Study Skills seminar delivered by Mr Brennan, to prepare them for their upcoming PPEs which take place 11th-15th December. They were provided with a study skills booklet which included a Revision Timetable to help them plan their time effectively.