Lil. Glenn Pygmy Goats
Hi guys here my new website,please take a look and give me other ideas if possible.
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facebook.comIt's with great sadness that I have decided to give up breeding. Solomon my eldest male has served his females this season and everyone has turned and come back into season, I think his time has come to retire along with myself as I have been struggling to keep on top of the day to day and weekly cleaning. Last year I struggled with the kidding,especially the really cold nights which didn't agree with my Arthritis but I managed, I loved seeing new life come into the world. But my health has to be considered and Solomon no longer performing has helped me make this sad decision. I would like to thank all my friends I've made over the years who have purchased my kids, and please feel free to still contact me if you have any concerns or problems in the future. I am still hoping to keep my hand in and help my goaty friends as they have their kids
Moon produced 2 pure black little boys. Very pretty little boys. Photos to follow when they stay still for long enough...
Jazzy had 2 black and white kids, one male and one female.
Cookie, the biggest character of them all :-)
Hellebore with her lovely female twins. Daisy and Lilly are very friendly and a little naughty...
Finally found some time time to update the site with this years kidding news. It's been a really successful kidding year for us with both Huey and Soloman producing some lovely kids. Wonderful to sit back now and watch them all playing, such characters.
Thank you all for your kind words on the loss of Poppet xx
Poppet: It's with great sadness that I have to announce the sad loss of my eldest female Poppet, who went to sleep on Wednesday 13th. She has now been reunited with her mum Lucy,and friends Joules and Jellybean. My little heavenly herd, god bless and rest in peace Poppet xx
Pregnancy Update: Hellebore has done it again she is expecting TRIPLETS!!! Honeymoon is expecting twins Jasmin is also expecting twins Little Jacinth is expecting a single kid All the girls are doing really well Sparkle new kid arrived safely on the 20th November 2015 at 17-45. Roll on February, Hellebore and Jazzy are due on the 15th Jasmin is due on the 24th, and Hellebore the 28th. Fingers crossed all goes well.