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56 Church Street, Royston, United Kingdom
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Telephone: 01763 207300
Website: Based at Thriplow near Cambridge, KWS UK has been providing growers with innovative new varieties to meet varied end-market needs for over 25 years.

We develop a wide range of oilseed rape, maize, sugar beet and cereal varieties in conjunction with the KWS group. We use a range of technologies to ensure improved consistency in crop performance to benefit all; merchant, farmer, processor and ultimately end-user customer.

Higher yields, superior disease and pest resistance and improved performance in adverse conditions are all key criteria we seek to establish in our product portfolio.

KWS is widely recognised as one of the leading maize, sugar beet and cereal breeders in the world and operates in about 70 countries. The KWS Group has a worldwide seeds turnover of over €1 billion and employs over 4,000 people.

Most importantly, the KWS Group reinvests 15% of its annual turnover in breeding and research and this ensures the continuing pipeline of innovative new varieties.

KWS UK has strong European links within the KWS Group, and also with other breeders for whom we act as a route to the UK market.

Growers anywhere across Europe can be assured that whatever KWS UK oilseed rape, maize, sugar beet or cereal they select, it has been developed using the same professional competences applied across all our breeding teams. It will be a variety that is one of the most reliable, innovative and market-leading selections available, tailored and tested for the conditions and regions they farm.



We hope that you find our stories interesting and welcome commentary expressing all points of view – positive and negative – but reserve the right to remove posts that are off-topic, offensive, promotional, or contain inappropriate language, hate speech or personal attacks.

Please understand that this community is mostly English speaking. While the community team does speak a number of languages, we may not be able to follow up on non-English language posts and such content may be removed.

Any advertisement displayed on the right side of the page is NOT endorsed by KWS UK Ltd as it is managed by Facebook directly.



KWS Zyatt - the Group 1 that ticks all the boxes! #7daysofZyatt

Want yield? Then look no further...

KWS Zyatt is also an outstanding performer in the second wheat slot! #7daysofZyatt

KWS Zyatt is also rated positive for ukp, allowing it to reach an even wider range of markets! #7daysofZyatt

KWS Zyatt has strong domestic demand. Millers have identified benefits and functionality in its protein meaning it can be used for a range of bakery products #7daysofZyatt

It's not just high yields and quality that KWS Zyatt brings to the party... #7daysofZyatt

KWS Zyatt has the highest Group 1 untreated (and treated) yields on the RL; thus highlighting its robust disease resistance. #7daysofZyatt

Farmers Weekly has landed, so you can now read all about #KWSZyatt setting a new record yield for a milling wheat!

KWS Zyatt has exceptional quality including; excellent protein levels, good Hagberg and high specific weight! #7daysofZyatt

KWS Zyatt is the highest yielding Group 1 on the RL. #7daysofZyatt

#BackBritishFarming by choosing your sugar beet seed for drilling 2018 now! BCN infestation? Have a look at our BCN crop rotation manager and see how a BCN tolerant sugar beet variety in your crop rotation can improve the situation. #BCN #KWS #sugarbeet #seed #britishfarmer

We know it’s nearly time to finalise your variety choices, so we’re answering the top 3 questions we’ve most frequently received on new Group 1 milling variety, KWS Zyatt over on the blog.. click for through for more!
