Eileen Maitland Art
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facebook.comThis lovely lady was not too keen on having her photo taken , she just wanted to sleep , so not a good idea to disturb a sleepy pussy cat . Her owner was delighted with the result . Done in pastel " Tara "
Two cheeky wee Shetlands done in pastel . I had this one at Turriff Show as a wip and one little girl loved it and remarked to her Dad " Daddy I just rubbed it's nose and patted it's head .Well , her hands were rather coloured with pastel , I've never seen a Dad move so quickly . So if that Dad is out there , not to worry , these things are very easily sorted .
Another one off to it's new home , evidently she loved to escape , a typical Scottish black face sheep .As far as beauty goes , definitely my favourite breed. Oil on canvas . " Houdini "
A big thank you to everyone who visited my stand and to those who bought my artwork at Turriff Show . I thoroughly enjoyed the many chats and the lovely compliments were much appreciated .
Not a good photo at all , in a hurry as usual , some of the small canvasses for Turriff Show.
Fraserburgh Art Summer Exhibition
Fair delighted to get this award
Another one for Turriff Show , quite similar to one I did recently but here we have a different breed of cattle . I was asked if I usually take photos of them feeding . Well , just like people , feed them , they stay still and don't say much . Only one small change to make , alter a rather scarey eye . Oil on canvas " Hay Boys "
Another one for Turriff Show , nearly finished I think . Oil on a long canvas . " Pennan "
Just realised i've never shown this one on facebook . It was painted about 2 yrs ago , now framed and hanging on my wall . A Rosrhearty scene , in watercolour , " Tam Heid - A Dreich Day "
This pastel painting is modelled on two pals who do not like to be apart and some of you will recognise them , namely the lovely Dave , ex racer , and the lovely Bob the Cob . Done in pastel " Buddies "
Quite a small painting compared to what I usually do . Some small details to be added and then a little clean up of the black paper . For that I use a piece of white bread and no , I don't eat it , it just happens to be the best thing I've found for getting marks off the paper . Done in pastel , " A Hearty Mouthful " Perhaps it should be " Moofae "
Almost finished this one , just a few little changes here and there I think. Loved painting this one , I spotted some of our cattle having a snooze so this is the result. Oil on canvas " Caught napping "