The Cheese Room Rochester
Coffee, cheese toastie, salads, cheese scones, cheese boards, meat boards, Raclette, wine, beers, deli counter, Kentish cheeses, British cheeses
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facebook.com24 hours ish to go! Can’t wait! Event sold out within hours. Look forward to seeing all those that managed to get tickets for a 7:30 start on Thursday. Hopefully, another event announced shortly!
Baked Chaucer’s Camembert anyone?
Cheese fondue - coming soon!!!!!!
Beer of the week! From Angels & Demons, based in Folkestone
Ok - so the results are in - and overwhelmingly, you wanted a couple free zone on Wednesday 14 February. Everywhere else will be smooching, so come along to us and we’ll crank up the Blues and have a good fun time! We are ticketing the event as we’ve only 45 seats, so pop in for a ticket or buy on line at our shop - thecheeseroomrochester/shop - scroll down to the last item. £12 buys you one of our fab British cheese boards and a craft British Beer, glass of bubbles or glass of wine. Arrival from 7pm and last orders st 10:30.
Mac ‘n’ Cheese , topping of Pancetta, Basil & Goats cheese - £5
Ok FB friends - we can’t decide so over to you ! Matt wants to have a couple free zone on 14 Feb - glass of bubbles on arrival, Cheese board, £15, and just friends and singletons welcome. Wendy wants a special Valentine’ night, £40 per couple, bottle of wine or fizz, cheese board and fondue to share. What shall we do? Let us know!
We do listen - newly installed menu board in the Cheese Cellar!
Beer of the week! Boutilliers from the Micro-Brewery in Faversham - we are stocking Session Pale Ale, Smoked Extra Stout and Kolsch - to buy retail or drink in with some cheese!!
What do you get the Saturday Boy to do when you have a quiet morning? Looking lovely Cameron!
From tomorrow, Saturday, you can buy freshly baked artisan bread, including sourdough, direct from the cheese room. Baked on site, we will have at least four styles and will bake all day so shouldn’t run out. Happy to take orders as well to ensure you get yours. 01634 831616. Small baguettes,£1, Loaves £2:50- £3:50
Homemade maple syrup bread and sourdough - so fresh we can smell it!