Absolute Airsoft
Absolute Airsoft!
100 Acres of woodland airsoft fun.
Very friendly staff.
Tell your friends
facebook.comHey guys, just to let everyone know we plan on being up at the site every Saturday for the foreseeable future clearing up, repairing and building unless otherwise stated. Days will start @ 10am and bring food to bbq and tools. Starting next week weβll be finishing our entrance, striping pallets and clearing up and having a few bonfires. Any questions, feel free to drop us a message!
Hi All going to be at the site this Saturday to clear up and get some more bits prepared for building. Will be having a BBQ as well so if you bring some meat we will burn it for you for lunch. Bring tools Crowbars especially for breaking the pallets down. If enough of us we will get them broken down and perhaps a few more buildings made for the game on sunday.
After an in depth phone conversation with someone today can i please put this out there for everyone. YOU DO NOT need a licence to play airsoft. The UKARA system was put in place to make it easier for people to purchase RIF's it is NOT a legal requirement. The reason for this rant is that i have just learnt that another site ( im not excited about them ) has been telling new players parents ( kids were 15 & 16 ) that they need a licence to turn up at sites as walk on and play and charging them £15 per child per year. Stop ripping kids off they are the life blood of our hobby. RANT OVER
Thanks to all that attended the game yesterday with your help we have raised another £307 making our new total £919. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. Mark, Sarah and all the Staff
We're having some technical issues with our website at the moment. We are working to get back up and running ASAP.
Hey guys, girls and smurf, a build day is being planned for the 16th December. Weβre potentially ordering in a digger + some timber to clear out and build the village and just wanting to get an Ideaon numbers (the more we have there the more that gets built!) & mark will be buying you all a new gun. Probably never. - Connor
Game day 20.08.2017
Great day playing a bit of airsoft 🙌

Little throw back to the summer when I was marshalling, can't wait for the summer this year got some good events coming up👌 Other team members: @rogueuk_airsoft @rogue_uk_matt @rogue_uk_liam @rogue_uk_sean @rogue_uk_harry @cait.woody @brandongobey @evanst267 @hunter__age @huntingextreme12g @rouge_uk_pixo @luke24563 Need ammo? @thedraftclub

Great day at absolute airsoft #airsoft #absoluteairsoftreading

Back at AA

Ready for some airsoft this Sunday #airsoft #absoluteairsoft

God i have missed airsoft

The "Squad" in a time of war.

@rouge_uk_pixo on the first game sniping away at the enemies as they defended the trench.

My new toy 👷🏻🌲🌧🔨 #newcareer #noididntloseanyfingers #yeseveryoneelseisok #gotmynailsdone 😂

IT'S FINALLY THE WEEKEND , heading to absolute airsoft today for a build day to try and improve gameplay by adding some more structures into the field.

We always behave a briefing, what you saying?! ----------------------------------------------------------- Follow our Facebook page: RogueUK and our photographer @rogue_uk_photographer =============================== Follow our members: @rogue_uk_matt @rogue_uk_liam @rogue_uk_harry @joe.wilsdon @tevans267 @brandongobey @rogue_uk_sean @rogue_uk_pixo @Huntingextreme12g Check out: For top quality bbs visit : @thedraftclub For the best melee weapons for airsoft: @tsblades And for airsoft boxes of awesomeness go to: @skirmishcrate =============================== #vckers #airsoft #sniper #weapons #sniping #shooting #gun #gunporn #tactical #gunsdaily #operator #military #airsoftgun #airsoftguns #airsoftworld #featureairsoft #worldairsoft #airsoftphotography #guns #airsoftuk #airsoftinternational #airsoftobsessed #hiwez #tdc #airsoftnation

@rouge_uk_pixo slaying the enemy's with his brand new G&G ARP9 such a good little rifle follow the @rogueuk_airsoft facebook page to see where we might be playing next

Here we see @rouge_uk_pixo pointing out targets that was moving up on us last Sunday we will be down there this weekend come say hello! ====================================== Other Team Members: @rogueuk_airsoft @rouge_uk_pixo @rogue_uk_liam @rogue_uk_sean @evanst267 @brandongobey @matthewhuggins Need ammo? @thedraftclub

Had an amazing day at absolute airsoft thank you to jess for taking the pictures 👌

Good day out with the gang pew-pewing 🔫🔫 #airsoft #pewpew #airsofting
