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Several European national and city temperature records tumbled this summer during two heatwaves. How well can such extreme events be predicted? We have looked at three locations where national records were broken.
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Unusually high levels of wildfire activity within the Arctic Circle have continued well into August, data from the EU-funded Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service show. Find out about details and implications here:
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1 August 1979 - 1 August 2019: ECMWF celebrates 40 years of operational forecasts. Less than four years after its creation, ECMWF produced its first operational forecast. We salute the men and women in the Member States who had the vision, fought for it, and all those who have been making it happen since then at ECMWF and beyond.
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The first seven months of 2019 have seen many important developments at ECMWF in operational forecasting, research, and implementing two of the EU’s Copernicus services. A selection of news highlights is here:
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Science blog: As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first Moon landing, Philippe Lopez investigates whether the ECMWF forecasting model can reproduce the detailed cloud patterns captured in those early, iconic images of planet Earth from space.
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How can we maximise the benefits of observational campaigns for weather forecasting and vice versa? Seventy experts met at ECMWF last month to find answers:
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The summer 2019 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.
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Creative and interactive sessions took pride of place in last month’s Using ECMWF’s Forecasts meeting (UEF 2019). The meetings give ECMWF data users an opportunity to learn about the Centre’s plans, new products and services. Find out more here:
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The global forecasting system of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, implemented by ECMWF on behalf of the EU, was successfully upgraded on 9 July. Find out how the changes improve air quality forecasts:
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Call for registration and abstracts: NEXTGenIO workshop at ECMWF, 25-26 September, looking at new I/O techniques for supercomputing at the exascale. Registration closes 2 August. #NEXTGenIO2019 #H2020
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Jean-Noël Thépaut, the Head of the Copernicus Climate Change Service at ECMWF, has been appointed as ECMWF’s new Director of Copernicus Services from 1 October 2019, when Juan Garces de Marcilla steps down from the post. Full details here:
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Dick Dee, one of the key figures in the development of global weather and climate #reanalysis at ECMWF, is leaving the Centre on 28 June. Find out about his work on the hugely successful ERA-Interim reanalysis and more here: