Plymouth Life Centre Climbing Wall
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS*Easter Bank Holiday Opening Hours* Just a reminder that we are open our regular hours over the Easter bank holiday weekend. This means you can pop in for a climb whenever you fancy between the following times- Friday 30/3/18 -10.00-22.00 Saturday 31/3/18 - 9.00-21.00 Sunday 1/4/18 - 9.00-21.00 Monday 2/4/18 - 10.00-22.00 Don't forget we are also running climbing and high rope tasters all next week for just £5 per person!
**EASTER HOLIDAY TASTERS** Looking to give climbing a go or just try something new this Easter? Why not come to the Climbing Wall here at the Life Centre? We are running climbing tasters led by one of our qualified instructors every Monday to Friday of the first week of Easter Holidays for just £5 per person at the following times: 10:30-11:30 – Climbing taster for 4-7 years. The perfect opportunity for your little ones to come and monkey around. 12:00-13:00 – Climbing taster for 8+ years. A more structured session, showcasing what climbing is all about. 13:30-14:00 – High Ropes taster for 7+ years. Come in and have a go at our high ropes course, an aerial obstacle course located above our bouldering wall. Places strictly limited. Call or pop in to book now.
Have you seen the route feedback sheet on our community notice board? If you try one of our newly set routes you can use it to let us know what you think!
More setting :) this time on the ropes with jay
Q2 is reset and ready to go! Come in and enjoy some good ‘ol roof pulling and technical trechary on the vert wall!
We are open until 10PM today as always on a weekday and Kiaran and Henry are here setting some new blocs for you all to try later on :)
Today is the last day to apply
We are looking forward to Jay setting ropes on Tuesday. Henry and Kiaran setting Q2 on Monday.
We're Hiring! We're Looking to employ two full-time Duty Managers, details specified below. Any questions? Feel free to message us.
Mikey is just putting up the last problem in the new Q1 set. Him and Kiaran have set 24 new problems to get your hands on and give a go. Get down any time after 6 try them!
***New Routes*** We've got guest setter Mikey Cleverdon working his magic on the lead wall today. Come in and check out some cool new routes...
Henry has trekked in and the wall will be open from 10am!! The cafe at the lifecentre is also open to fulfil your hot drink and food needs! However please only come in if it is safe for you to do so!