Gawjus Hair & Beauty
opening times.
Mon 9 -4
Tues 9-4
Wed9- 3
Thursday 9-7
Fri 9-6
Sat 9 -4
hair & beauty salon
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facebook.comMicroblading from today ❤❤
Just a couple of beauty appointments left for Saturday 16th . Other than that fully booked until after Christmas. Book Now to avoid disappointment 🌲🌲⛄⛄
Lash lift from today ❤❤
Microblading with a touch of shading on the tail of the brows to add definition. Such a difference a brow makes ❤❤
Microbladed eyebrows❤❤
Microblading with shading ❤❤
Another lovely review ❤❤
Lip liner and blush tattooing .. what is it? Lip liner and blush is a treatment that involves tattooing the clients lip line then 'blushing'the colour further onto the lip to blend the pigment seamlessly. A template is drawn on by the technician before commencing the treatment to ensure the clients lip line is accurately followed and that the client will be happy with the finished shape. £190.00 for 2 treatments 4-6weeks apart. Colour is relatively bright when first applied, then fades around 70% to a more subtle look. Ring to make your appointment or email xx
Eyebrow tattooing ❤
Before and after Dermaplaning!! Such a difference in skin tone and texture ❤
Microblading ❤