Ta Ta Bella's Tea Room
Home made baking and soups, fresh every day. Home made breakfast and lunch menu, as well as home made Afternoon Tea and Cream Tea. Kids are very welcome. Ta Ta Bella
J. Purdie was never the tallest of fellas,
A sack on his back and a pair of umbrellas,
Named after a song he would sing A capella,
Of a soldier’s farewell “ta ta Bella”
Dancing with jam jar lids stuck to his feet
Round the back court middens of the tenement streets
To recycle the glass of a town which decried
him a washing line thief amongst other cruel lies.
His true legacy’s more than a slagging for those
who are looking untidy in hairstyle or clothes,
He taught us the lesson; the things we dispose of
must be re-loved or re-used, which now everyone knows.
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