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Madrasah Irshadul Islam مدرسہ ارشادالاسلام

28 Gartside Street, Oldham, United Kingdom



Madrasah Irshad Ul Islam- The school of Islamic and Cultural Guidance.
Established in 2004.
We thank you for visiting our page and hope that you will remember Madrasah Irshad Ul Islam in your Duaas.


Annual exams have started at Madrasah!

Punish a Muslim Day! Why are people so worried? This is just a cowardly act by some jealous extremists who have no influence; so they just try to create fear. The real worry would be if they were to come into power like they have done so in some countries around the world. Even then the people of those countries are getting on with their daily routines. Just avoid watching useless scaremongering videos. Keep your connection with your Creator as strong as possible. Keep making duas. Recite ayatul kursi when leaving home. Yes! Don’t go out without necessity and when you do go out, be careful of some ignorant person attempting to harm you. Be vigilant! Being vigilant is not against tawakkul. Salafe Saliheen used to put their trust in Allah but they used to take precautions as well. If anything does happen, report it to police immediately, don’t think what’s the point? Also, defend yourself against aggression, but don’t take the law in your own hands. The hadith of Ibn Abbas should always be kept mind: “Be mindful of Allah; Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah; You will find Him ahead of you. When you ask for something, ask from Allah. When you seek help, seek from Allah. And know that if the whole world was to collaborate on benefitting you, they cannot benefit you except with what Allah has decreed for you. And if they were to collaborate on harming you, they cannot harm you except with what Allah has destined for you. The pens have been lifted and the ink has dried up.” (Tirmidhi) Being mindful of Allah means being mindful of His commands, Fardh, Wajib, Sunnat, Mustahabb, Jaaiz, Na Jaaiz, Halal, Haram, etc. Do what needs to be done and avoid what should be avoided. If we protect Allah’s commands, He will definitely protect us. In fact He will be ahead of us ie. He will pave the way for us before we get to our destination. Dhikr of allah is most effective at tough times. May Allah give us Tawfeeq to practice on what we preach. May Allah protect us and protect our country. May Allah guide us all towards His rights over us and allow us to fulfil those rights. Ameen.

Alhamdulillah with the help of everyone’s donations, we raised £500 for the Mayor of Oldham’s charity appeal. JazakAllah for your kind donations.

*Appeal for NHS* Assalamu Alaikum As citizens of the United Kingdom, we are blessed to have a healthcare such as the National Health service (NHS). Until now this healthcare has been providing us with numerous services such as free doctor checkups and free medication to those who cannot afford it. Now the NHS needs us to support it. We have been requested by the Mayor of Oldham and the Oldham Mosque Council to raise money towards the NHS. Therefore we will be collecting money from tomorrow InshaAllah. The Mayor of Oldham will personally come to Madrasah and collect the raised funds InshaAllah. We urge you to donate open heartedly. JazakAllah Qari Abdul Rashid Principle of Madrasah Irshadul Islam

Madrasah at a glance on a cold February afternoon

❄️ Madrasah covered in snow today ❄️

Hafiz tahir bilal Chishti

Hafiz Tahir Bilal Chishti

2nd Annual Maqsad e Milad e Mustafa s.a.w conference


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