Nuneaton Midlands Hijama Therapy
Certified Hijama practitioners.
For Brothers Contact Brother Yusuf: 07557409482
For Sisters Contact Sister Sumayya: 07456828419
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facebook.comHIJAMA SUNNAH DAYS FOR April 2018 SAUDI Dates Tuesday 3rd April Thursday 5th April Saturday 7th April
HIJAMA SUNNAH DAYS FOR MARCH 2018 SAUDI Dates Monday 5th March Wednesday 7th March Friday 9th March MOROCCO Dates Tuesday 6th March Thursday 8th March Saturday 10th March Nuneaton Hijama therapy 07456828419
We really appreciate the kind reviews you have left! Jazakallah and thank you. If you have not left a review yet feel free to leave some feedback!
Assalamu Alaikum *The Sunnah Days for Hijama (cupping) in the month of _JAMAADI-UL-AWWAL 1439_ are as follows:* Saturday 3rd February Monday 5th February Wednesday 7th February _The Islamic day starts at maghrib the date before and end at maghrib on the day itself_
Cupping Hijama is effective in treating many conditions including digestive problems, joint and muscle pain, asthma, sciatica, fever, skin problems, low fertility etc. It improves blood circulation, reduces accumulation of blood and lymph, and maintains a balance of the body’s systems ...
Alhumdulillah we are happy to announce that we have completed a level 2 Diploma in Hijama therapy CMA registered.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The best treatment is Hijama Cupping; it removes blood, lightens the back and sharpens the eyesight.” (Reference: At Tirmidhi, 3053)
Ibn Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Hijama Cupping on an empty stomach is best. It increases the intellect and improves the memory. It improves the memory of the one memorizing” (Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah, 3488). #hijama #hijamacuppingtherapy #cupping #cuppingtherapy
Our next Hijama Sunnah dates are : 17th November 19th November 21st November. For bookings please message or text us. Jazakallah
Cupping therapy (hijama) has been used in the treatment of many conditions and illnesses such as back pain, sciatica, migraine, anxiety and many other illnesses. Cupping has had outstanding outcomes and results aswell as significant improvements. Any enquiries or bookings feel free to message us.