M10 is a private personal training gym, with limited memberships also available. We specialise is coaching people how to achieve a better body. M10 are specialists is coaching people how to achieve a better body. Education plays the biggest part in how we achieve our high quality results. We lay the foundations, we help you get better week by week, you to stick to the plan, and results happen.
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facebook.comHIIT and LISS are both effective forms of cardiovascular training. The decision to choose one over the other, should be based on your goal, how much time you have and whether you can use equipment or not. Take a look at the benefits of both HIIT and LISS in today’s post. Which do you prefer? Leave us a comment below
MYTH BUSTER: YOU NEED TO EAT LESS TO LOSE FAT Dramatically undereating won't help you to lose any more body fat. In fact its the quickest way to slow down your fat loss. You will quickly lose energy, you will lose vital muscle mass, you'll become stressed, and you'll suffer from terrible cravings. Would you like to know how we help our clients with their diet plan? Download our 5 Stage formula today for FREE: www.m10life.com/5-stage-formula.
DO YOU SUFFER FROM CRAVINGS? Women who email me asking about cravings, usually follow low carb, low calorie and low essential fat diets. They top it off spending 4 hours in the gym every week on the cross trainer or treadmill. Their blood sugar levels are all over the place, stress levels are through the roof and sleep is non-existent. This is the perfect environment for cravings!! If you suffer from cravings, click the link to read the full article where I share with you my top tips for dealing with cravings - http://www.m10fitness.co.uk/articles/fat-loss/do-you-suffer-from-cravings
What is the most effective way to weight train – using machines or free weights? Following on from our post last week on free weights, today we take a look at the pros and cons of using machine weights. Did you find this helpful? We share our top training tips and advice in our 5 Stage Formula. Download your FREE copy today - www.m10life.com/5-stage-formula
WHY WOMEN SHOULD LIFT WEIGHTS? It’s quite common to hear women talk about feeling intimidated at the gym, especially when it comes to lifting weights. However, over the years we've seen the numerous positive effects that lifting weights has had on the large number of female clients that have trained at M10. Rachel is no different. Under the guidance of M10 coach Daniel Smith, she has learned how to lift weights and how to approach her diet, in order to reach her goals. Please take a minute to watch Rachel’s story and the amazing progress she made with us in 6 months.
What is the most effective way to weight train – using free weights, or machines? This is a question that we get asked frequently. When it comes to which method is best to build muscle, burn fat or improve your strength or athletic performance, both free weights and machine weights have their pros and cons - as you'll see in today's post. Did you find this post helpful? We share our top training tips and advice in our 5 Stage Formula. Download your FREE copy today at www.m10life.com/5-stage-formula
Losing scale weight and losing body fat are two completely different processes. People who focus on weight loss alone, use the number on the scale as their only gauge. When you use weight as your only measure, you have no clear understanding of what you are losing (muscle, body fat and even water). However, those who focus on fat loss, take their assessments a lot more seriously. When it comes to focusing on body fat loss, this type of person measures body fat using calipers. This way, when combined with the scales, you have a more accurate idea of what you are losing. If scale weight comes down but body fat stays the same, it's more than likely that you're losing muscle and fluid, as opposed to body fat. Tag or share with a friend who needs this advice
How many times have you asked a personal trainer for the best exercises for toning muscles? “I want to tone my stomach”, “I want to tone my arms”! How many people do you know who spend hours every week doing 100’s of crunches every morning in an attempt to get a six pack? When you say the word “tone”, what you should be saying is that you would like to have less body fat, so you can see the shape of the muscle underneath. If you want to have a better body shape, the definition will come from being lean enough, and the shape will come from building more muscle mass over time. Have you ever found yourself losing lots of weight, yet you still don’t have any “tone”? Well, that’s because you’ve more than likely burned off a good amount of muscle (remember it’s muscle that will give you your shape). Be warned, crash weight loss diets are the quickest way to lose your shape. For those of you who think changing your rep range to higher reps (15-20) will help with the tone. I’m sorry, think again. Whilst taking shorter rest periods can help without output (energy expenditure), you should really be focusing on your diet, and some level of supplementary cardio to address body fat levels. So, ditch the “toning” myth. Keep focusing on getting stronger in the gym, building muscle, being smart with your nutrition, and focus on reducing body fat levels if you want to see more of your shape. If you’d like to know what we ask all of our clients to follow, download our Stage Formula for FREE. Click the link below http://m10life.com/5-stage-formula/
Getting in shape is something that many people hope will happen from going to the gym and eating "healthier". There are others who know that to achieve the body of their dreams, they will have to make sacrifices and they’ll have to make it a priority in their life. Are exercise and diet at the top of your priority list? Click the link to read the full article: http://rebrand.ly/zzn91
HOW DO LOW CALORIE DIETS RUIN YOUR BODY SHAPE AND RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD? A common misconception is that you need to eat less and less to lose weight and change your body shape. However, starving yourself and doing endless hours at the gym is a recipe for disaster and can actually have a detrimental impact on your body, health and relationship with food and exercise. Take a minute to listen to Esther’s story as she talks about how she has changed her training and eating habits for the better under the guidance of M10 coach Calum Raistrick
TRAINING SERIES: PENDULUM In this video M10 coach, James Sutton, shares his top pendulum tips. Try them out the next time you’re training legs and let us know how you get on
WHY YOU SHOULD BE EATING MORE In today’s video, I talk to you about why continually eating less isn’t the best way to lose fat. I also share with you the reasons why consuming the right amount of calories is important for your overall health and body composition. Tag or share this advice with a friend