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Whitlingham Bootcamp Norwich

Whitlingham Broad , Norwich, United Kingdom



Monthly outdoor exercise classes set in the beautiful surrounds of Whitlingham Broad nr Trowse So what's Whitlingham Bootcamp all about?

First of all, everything is done outdoors. You will get the proven increased health benefits from training outside along with a glorious view and all within a couple of miles of the city centre.

Secondly, the classes are unique. There are no franchised workouts, no barbells, cones, bags or medicine balls. Instead, we make innovative use of logs, tyres, ropes, the natural terrain and our imagination to create a practical workout like no other.  

The work out is also all encompassing – you’ll improve speed, power, strength, stamina, agility and more. You’ll make quick gains too if you attend regularly.

The small classes and expert tuition along with the use of 'nature's fitness equipment' will help you become fitter, leaner, stronger and more supple.

Plus as a bonus, there’s no shouting or bullying. Whitlingham Bootcamp motivates, encourages and works you hard whilst making exercise fun!

Interested? Then why not give it a go! Classes run monthly on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 7-8am at Whitlingham Country Park...Book in for 8 or 12 sessions per month or contact us if you would like to try a taster session.



Far car park all this week folks

Photos from Whitlingham Bootcamp Norwich's post

New toy!!

Photos from Whitlingham Bootcamp Norwich's post

Timeline Photos

Some technical challenges this morning at bootcamp!

Timeline Photos

Good session at whitlingham this morning including Owen Jenkins and Jeremy Storr joining Rob as achievers of Wheelbarrow the Whole Stairs!

Timeline Photos

300 times from Monday (pb times in brackets): Rachel 27:13 (25:04) Roger 29:01 (27:37) Jeremy 31:00 (31:44) Dave S 31:27 ( Owen 32:48 (32:18) Grant 32:49 (30:00) Excellent efforts team and a new pb for Jeremy! As promised, I came back and did it later in the day and I am definitely not bootcamp fit. I completed the 300 in 44:56! Back to bootcamp training for me!

Timeline Photos

Some excellent efforts from the gang this morning. 10 Tyre flips, 10 burpees, 10 overhead log throws, 20 press ups, 20 squats, a 700(ish) metre run and 50(ish)m bear crawl. 2 timed attempts split up by a 260ish step wheelbarrow. Times for each below: Jeremy 5:33 and 5:48 - cracking first time from you and Owen, brilliant competing Owen 5:33 and 6:23 Rachel 6:03 and 6:04 - good consistency! Roger 6:14 and 6:17 - Ditto Grant 6:34 and 6:31 - Good push to go faster second time around Dave S 6:49 and 6:45 -Ditto Alex 8:03 and 8:08 - Excellent consistency again

East Anglian Air Ambulance Charity

10th, 14th, 19th and 20th is not a bad return gents! Owen Jenkins, Roger Birchall, Jeremy Storr

Elveden Running

Well done Roger Birchall and Owen Jenkins at Only the Brave today. Well done to Jeremy too for sticking with me on our mystery extra 2.8km we decided to add to the mix (I've checked the map and found the error of the bloke we blindly followed!)!

Photos from Whitlingham Bootcamp Norwich's post

What was the view during your workout like this morning?

Photos from Whitlingham Bootcamp Norwich's post

Happy New Year bootcampers! I trust you all had a good one and are raring to go again tomorrow. Unfortunately, I've not been well so Emma is going to cover the session for me. Barn car park at 7 as usual. I should be back on Wednesday


NEAR Whitlingham Bootcamp Norwich