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Sweetpeas Child Care

Rushmore Close, Norwich, United Kingdom
Social Service




Good morning everybody a little bit of snow doesn't scare us. We are still open. Please let us know if you're not able to attend today. We will be going out in the snow so please provide suitable footwear and clothing for your children. A few changes of clothes would also be advisable. Many thanks Zoe

It's world 🗺 📙 book day on Thursday the 1st of March. We will be taking part all week if your child would like to dress up as their favourite book character. We can wait to see their outfits 😍

Last week we made beautiful pasta necklaces ❤️ We also played with dry pasta tipping and pouring into containers.

We made sock puppets last week. We picked our own materials and placed them where we thought they should go using double sided sticky tape. A grown up sewed them on for us after so they all stayed together.

We have been quiet for a while but we have all been very busy exploring and experimenting with lots of different activities. Here are a few of them.

Dates for your diary 2018 - 2019

We will still be going out in the garden during the colder and wetter months so please make sure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather conditions such as wellies, coats, jumpers, hats etc 🎩 ⛄❄️☔🌂🌈

As December is fast approaching I thought I would just let everybody know that it's Christmas 🎄 jumper day on the 15th December. We will be wearing our Christmas jumpers all week at sweetpeas if your children would like to join in. ❄ 🎅 🎄 🎉 ⛇

Event at the diamond centre 25th November 2017

It's getting spooky at sweetpeas! We are joining in with Halloween 🎃 celebrations next week. If you would like your child to join in they are welcome to dress in Halloween 🎃 attire 👻

***** Information on chicken pox *****

**** important information ****** There have been a few reported cases of Hand foot and mouth during the past week. I've got some information for anybody whom is unsure what to look for and also care information. Hopefully all our little Pea's will be feeling better very soon.


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