Groundhog Home Hardware, Poringland
Local Home Hardware store, supplying DIY materials, key cutting, pet supplies, homeware, kitchen essentials, trade supplies, plants, and loads more!
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS🐰🐰Easter opening hours🐰🐰 Thursday 29th March - 7.30am - 6pm Friday 30th March- 10am - 2pm Saturday 31st March - 7.30am - 6pm Sunday 1st April - Closed Monday 2nd April - 10am - 2pm 🐰
Have you seen our new selection of shrubs and pots? Pop in and have a look! ⚘🌼🌸🌻🌷🥀
🛠For any building, plumbing or landscaping needs. 🛠
⚘🌷🥀Don't forget Mother's day this Sunday! We have plenty of lovely gifts in store. ⚘🌷🥀
🔥🔥Small bags of kiln dried hardwood logs and kindling now all back instock🔥🔥
❄❄❄❄We will be shutting at 5pm due to the weather closing in again. Hope you are all keeping safe and warm. ❄❄❄❄❄
We are open today!
We are now closed due to the bad weather. Wishing everyone a warm and safe afternoon.
We have sold out of sledges! Apologies to all that have travelled here! We still have snow shovels and rock salt. Be safe everyone.
❄☃ ❄☃
🌺🏵🌹🥀🌷⚘🌼🌸🌻 Just £2.49
Today feels like spring is just around the corner! We now stock a variety of shrubs, bulbs, seeds, plants and trees to get your garden looking colourful again! Pop in and have a look. 🌾🌱🌷🥀🌹