Abington Vale Primary School
Abington Vale Primary School is committed to high standards of teaching and learning. We are in an academy with five other amazing schools in the trust..
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facebook.comTuesday 21st March – Year 4 brass concert for parents.
Tuesday 21st March – Year 4 brass concert for parents. https://t.co/9PoJJLaJ0q
Tuesday 21st March – Year 4 brass concert for parents.
We hope to see as many parents as possible. The children have been working really hard for the last 8 weeks learning how to play their instruments which have included the trumpet, the baritone and trombones. Their learning journey started by playing through mouth pieces attached to garden hoses. Why not come along and see what they can do now? Come and support the children at 2.15 Tuesday afternoon at Stirling campus. http://mrslody.avpblogs.net/2017/03/19/tuesday-21st-march-year-4-brass-concert-for-parents/
Making our own spirits
Making our own spirits https://t.co/WgT2F7QkuT
Making our own spirits
This week we have been left some notes from 'Ariel', at first we didn't know who it was or what they wanted, but now we now! Ariel is Prospero's servant, he is a magically spirit and is able to move things with his mind. We started to noticed things going missing in Prospero's den, and we think it might be Ariel! [ 43 more words ] http://missdavis.avpblogs.net/2017/03/17/making-our-own-spirits/
Holi Festival!
Holi Festival! https://t.co/jNf6VflSzU
Holi Festival!
We celebrated Holi Festival by throwing powder paint on the floor it was so windy some of the paint got on us. We had so much fun! What do you remember about the festival of colour? http://misshead.avpblogs.net/2017/03/17/holi-festival/
Abington Vale (@avpschool) posted a photo on Twitter
Miss Barrett’s learning in Italy! https://t.co/qEvYEyiWIK https://t.co/TzQX8bB3I4
Miss Barrett’s learning in Italy!
As you know, 3 of the teachers from our school got the amazing opportunity to visit Italy last week, with teachers from other NPAT schools, to look at the Early Years and Pre-School provision in Italy. It was a very exciting trip and it was really useful in giving us ideas, sharing practice and reflecting on our own classroom environments and routines. [ 119 more words ] http://missbarrett.avpblogs.net/2017/03/16/miss-barretts-learning-in-italy/
Homework March 2017
Homework March 2017 https://t.co/OeDgdQKI34
Homework March 2017
Thank you for all your blogs, Tapestry videos and work in homework books. It is lovely to see the children are reinforcing their learning and vocabulary at home as well as at school. Keep it up everyone! http://missbarrett.avpblogs.net/2017/03/16/homework-march-2017/
Abington Vale (@avpschool) posted a photo on Twitter
String Quartet https://t.co/cldmDWZAnr https://t.co/OsQIfEnhce
String Quartet
On Tuesday a string quartet came in to see us. We did some really good listening. They played some songs we recognised and told us some information. Afterwards the children said: "I liked the cello because its nice and calm." "I like the violin; it made a squeaky noise." "I liked the violin. It sounded beautiful. I liked it when they played Jungle Book." [ 79 more words ] http://missbarrett.avpblogs.net/2017/03/16/string-quartet/