Tania Marques Photography
Portrait Photography specialising in Maternity, Newborn, Baby & Family
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For those looking for Activities over Summer for your kiddies have a look! Sticky Fingers Arts
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For all mums wanting to get back into doing some exercise have a look at this. Starts 11th of July AND you can bring the kids :)
Dromantine Open Day
If you're looking for a Fun Day out instead have a look at this! 😉
Physical Activity Cube
It's a rainy day outside ☔️ Here are a few crafty ideas for this afternoon with the kiddies. Get them occupied and most importantly have fun with them!!!👪 http://www.littlefamilyfun.com/2011/04/physical-activity-cube.html http://www.toddlerapproved.com/2011/08/number-hockey.html http://mamascouts.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/make-story-lantern.html http://melissagoodsell.typepad.com/day_to_day/2011/08/make-your-own-board-games.html
Star Wars Logics
It's Friday! Relax and laugh :)
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All together just before the new baba arrives :)
Tania Marques Photography's cover photo
Photos from Tania Marques Photography's post
When you are 4-months-old and this cute!
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Beautiful Denise from this morning's shoot :)
Photos from Tania Marques Photography's post
Beautiful Maternity photos just collected this evening :)
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Today is World Children's Day! So here it goes. ***Myself 2-years-old!*** profissional photo taken by local photographer. Chilhood memories 😊 ( 1982)
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I just can't help myself today... ❤️Charlie ❤️