Hobbyweld Newry"
Welding Gas, Oxygen, Acetylene, Carbon Dioxide food grade , Pure Argon, Helium, Nitrogen. With No Rent and No Contract or annual charge. Hobbyweld.co.uk Newry depot serving a half hour radius of Newry co Down with the rent free contract free range of industrial gases.We stock all the welding gas mixes and pure Argon .co2 food grade for brewing etc. Oxygen for aerating and cutting welding etc. acetylene for welding cutting brazing. nitrogen for purging or charging shock absorbers, tyres etc.helium for balloons, liquid co2 for paintball guns etc. if you have the use ...we have the gas. refundable once off deposit on the cylinder. open after hours by appointment just text mobile 07790014804 or email me at jonathan.cully@talktalk.net
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facebook.comHappy Christmas to all the torch-bearers ! Welding torches that is. And to all, a sneak peak at the new Acetylene cylinder now in stock. Almost four times the capacity of the original unit. Most importantly though, this cylinder will deliver the working pressure and volume on par with the big commercial cylinders. A big thank you to the team at KC Hire who have re-energised the dealership and expanded the range and volume of rent free gas roducts. So for the festive season that is with us now, have a safe and happy one.
Gas sitting well alongside a mind-boggling array of everything else useful. Sales are as the weather is, Brisk. Late pallet arrived yesterday so all gas sizes back in stock. Re ordering so if you need anything out of the ordinary, call quick. Secialist gas mixes can be seen at hobbyweld.co.uk.
So. The news for once in an uncertain age, is both good, and exciting! We needed level ground, truck access and all day cover for retail sales, which a move to KC Hire, 35 Flagstaff road, BT35 8NR, will allow. New orders are on the way to us here, and the great range of gases now sit comfortably alongside a staggering array of all things useful. From welding machinery, consumables and service parts, to heavy plant, engineering and construction equipment, it's all here. With a desire to vastly expand stock levels, we have the space to do this now. Open 7am until 6pm, and by appointment outside hours, the team here at KC Hire can provide a depth of service that a smaller operation would find less easy. Delighted to have Hobbyweld products associated with a great range of other such equipment as would be difficult to list. And if it's not in stock, i suspect that the team here will find it for you without a fuss. New telephone number (0044 28) 3026 3834, and K C Hire on facebook.
Fourtowns Auctions wednesday evening 7pm. Get down early to view a very nice selection of brand new tools and equipment. Liquidation sale no reserves. Toolboxes, powerwashers, hand and garage tools, garden equipment, welders and welding equipment, jacks, geaebox jacks, engine stands, panel stands... just too much to list. Poyntspass. 7pm sharp.
I have been quiet on here but very busy on gas. Lots of interesting news coming up and we are about to vastly expand the range of other stuff alongside Hobbyweld welding gases. Will have a few moving specials and a number 5 burning/welding set is one of them. Orders on hold while we move (but not far away).
SPECIALS. Cleaning store this morning. Lurking, 1 x Tracer gas (in stock 14 months !). This is 95% Nitrogen/ 5 Hydrogen. Special tracer gas for sealed system leak detection. If you have anyone who could use it RRP £52 + vat. To clear at £25.00 all in (plus refundable deposit at old price £60). Pure Argon. I brought in extra units on other dealers needs list, but they needed less. 20% discount on retail price on next 15 cylinders, all sizes available. Reordering today so let me know if you need anything out of the ordinary. Hobbyweld report sales increasing all the time. Same here. A great firm and a super product. To all my loyal customers, thank you. Hobbyweld Newry agent, Dublin road only. Always open (but can be out on deliveries so) text, call or email. Paypal, cash and euro accepted.
Ok. Another discount special on a number5 oxy/acetylene welding and cutting set. Price includes trolley, all equipment, both gases and the once off cylinder deposits (no vat and refundable). Deposits are £65(oxy) and £160(acetylene), so if you have your own hobbyweld cylinders or use propane, i can supply the set on its own. Retail price including 20%vat is £540.00, and although cylinder deposits went up in price recently, we can do this set for £499.00. Ready to go. Cylinders full/unused , no yearly rentals. Hobbyweld Newry official agent , open weekends and evenings. 07790 014804.
Just in. Plenty of all the gases. Last 2 oxy kits away, so have another one in to build up. Will post when all bolted up. Cylinder deposit prices went up last month but, i am holding the old price. No rent, no contract and money back deposit with no vat. Open all hours including the odd ones! 07790014804. Hobbyweld Newry agent.
Special offer. No.5 burning and cutting set. Trolley, guages, flashbacks. 5 metre 10mm i/d hoses, no.5 mixer and cutting torch with 3/64 cutting nozzle and no.5 welding tip. Price includes deposits on acetylene cylinder(160) and oxygen (60), and gas-full, ready to go. £499.00 inc vat). Always open! 07790014804. Hobbyweld Newry.
1 of 3 august deliveries in. Now stocking the 'Plus' size in Nitrogen. 20 litre/40kg. 5/8 bsp/female. 3300psi and enough to fill 64-77 average car tyres. Less pressure loss over time and reduced oxidation of wheels/internals. Very useful for vehicles equipped with tpms(pressure monitoring)...i am told. Also arriving a few oxy/acety sets complete with trolley to suit the original size cylinders. Helium also in 'plus'. And a thank you to those loyal customers who gave me the heads up r/e a local tool store telling local businesses that they 'took my agency over' ! I have looked deep into my pockets and find no evidence to suggest that this lie has any basis in truth ! LOL.
Just a quick update, and do please pass on the message to all who need it. Rumours that a 'tool and weld' company in newry who have a hobby agency for castleblaney, have "bought me out" are unsubstantiated and frankly, untrue. Negotiations around this subject broke down some 3 months ago, as allow me to be frank here, they could or would not pay. Hobbyweld Newry covers a half hour radius of our base here, and on an almost 24hr basis! While inthe border area however, vodaphone seems to drop the ringing you should hear when trying to call, so persevere. I will see a missed call and ring you back asap. Flat out supplying gas here and giving the best value and service that we can, text or email also reach me well. You can be assured that i have completed no deal that sees a third party selling my gas, to my customers, and using my money to do this with ! Lol.
Photos from Hobbyweld Newry"'s post
Attention all physio's out there. Our Antrim agent Paul has a regular distribution of liquid C02 used in physiotherapy, and we stock it also. Interested to know how it is applied? Cold cold stuff ! We work closely with other agents to keep stocks up, and especially in the "plus" size which appears to be finding favour as a mid-size cylinder. Cheapest deposit per litre and with recent price hikes amongst cylinder "rental" companies, the 'plus' cylinder is even more affordable. Remember, no rent, no contract, no vat, and a money back cylinder to boot. Hobbyweld Newry. Always open !