Sukshma Marma Therapist: Marek Lorys
Sukshma Marma Therapy - the Health Secret of Ayurveda
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Learn how to do gentle Sukshma Marma therapy for yourself and your partner/family - Sukshma Marma Day Course on Sunday 20 November in Newhaven, East Sussex -
'That was really lovely - like my whole body relaxed. I feel so much better for that' - visitor comment after 5-minute Sukshma Marma taster session at the Mind Body Spirit fair on Sunday. Click the 'Learn More' button for more info.
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Sukshma Marma taster sessions available on Sunday 30 October at the Charmandean Centre, Worthing. Come and say hello!
'That was spectacular! As a chiropractor, I strive to create relaxation like that in my clients. That was wonderful, wonderful! Comment from a wonderful chiropractor who came for a Sukshma Marma taster at the Mind, Body and Spirit Fair at the Grand Hotel, Brighton.
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Sukshma Marma taster sessions available this Sunday 9 October at the Grand Hotel, Brighton. Come and say hi!
Feedback from the Introduction to Ayurveda course last Saturday: 'Beyond my wildest expectations' 'Really a wonderful course' 'Thank you so much for opening doors to something amazing. Your presentation was, as always, enlightening and your knowledge flows.'
Transcendental Meditation
marmatherapy | Ayurveda Day Course
Just two places left on the Introduction to Ayurveda course this Saturday. If you would like to learn about a healthcare system focused on prevention of disease and promotion of good health, this is for you!
Comment from the Uckfield fair on Saturday: 'That was wonderful. Thank you so much. You went absolutely to the right place, and I can feel it unwinding. I feel like dancing!'
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Free Sukshma Marma taster sessions available next Saturday 17 September at the Mind, Body, Spirit Sussex Festival in Uckfield. Come and say hello!
'Wonderful! Amazing! Extremely, deeply, wonderfully relaxing!'
marmatherapy | Ayurveda Day Course
4 places left on the 'Ayurveda Day Course' on Saturday 1 October - information at!ayurveda-day-course/rtus3 - please join us!