Newcastleton Polypsort
All weather floodlit artificial grass pitch for -Tennis, Football, Basketball, Hockey.
Sports pavilion with changing rooms and Multi-gym.
Grass pitch
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facebook.comNo tennis on Tuesday 13th - School Half term.
No tennis this week for children and adults {snow}. None next week - school half term.
Jake and Dave from Whithaugh will be running the multi sports activities on Wednesdays at Polysport. Primary aged children 5-6pm. Secondary school age 6-7pm. Please remember to pay 2018 membership fees.
No tennis today.
Membership fees for 2018 are now due. Please remember that you need to be a member to take part in football and tennis coaching. Fees help cover our insurance and maintenance costs. This year we will not be distributing forms around all the homes in the village.Forms will be available in Spar, Costcutter, School reception or Bucchleuch House. Ways to Pay:- BACS Details:- Bank of Scotland , Account No: 00813469 ,Sort Code: 80-17-06 (this is the most convenient) Cheques payable to Newcastleton Polysport Fitness Room Membership can be paid by setting up a Bank Standing Order for £7 per month Please return forms and membership fees to the NEW post box in Buccleuch house Fees Astro Family (2 adults & children under 18) £40 Astro Adult (18 and over) £20 Astro Child (Under 18) £10 Senior (65+) Supporting/Donation (suggested figure) £5 Fitness (Over 16 ONLY) £80 (or £7 monthly) Plus £10 deposit for keys Many thanks, The committee
Tennis coaching starts on Tuesday 16th January.
If anyone has a gym key they are no longer needing please return them to Libby Kennedy. You can get you £10 deposit back too!
Today will be our last tennis session with Mike before the Christmas holidays. Hope to see you all back in January. Thanks to Mike for his enthusiasm and commitment to us at Newcaselton.
There will be no Sport/activities session on Wednesday 6th and 13th December, Last one for 2017 will be on 20th December. Thank you to Jake and the others for giving their time. The kids have really enjoyed it.
Multi-Sport Fun activities at Polysport Run by qualified outdoor activity instructors from Rock UK Fun taster sessions of various sports including: Hockey, basketball, netball, football, touch rugby, Dodge ball, Ultimate Frisbee, cricket, handball, parachute games etc Wednesday evenings Primary 1 - 4 5.30-6.00pm Primary 5- 7 6.00-6.45 pm Secondary age 6.45-7.30 pm Weather-permitting. Cost £1 per week PLUS £10 Polysport membership fee (For insurance and upkeep) Remember- Clean shoes please
Work should be finished on Wednesday. It is looking good . Tennis in school gym tomorrow. No adult groups tomorrow.
The all weather surface is being replaced. The work is starting on Monday 25th September. The facility will be closed for a bout a week.