Never Give Up Newcastle
A real life 'Escape The Maze' themed entertainment experience in Newcastle Upon Tyne! Your team will be tested on your mental, skill and physical abilities. Are you up for the challenge? Never Give Up!
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facebook.comWho remembers this?! This is what got me into escape rooms 5 years ago! Can anyone remember a super tricky level! Level 30 got me!
Our beautiful teams from last week!!
Can anyone see them? Few people can, are you one of them?
What do you think guys?
OUR OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE page is now LIVE! Get your team name printed on your NEVER GIVE UP t-shirts as the ultimate reminder of your day !!
You know the drill! Tag your faces and your friends faces and tell everyone you know about your amazing time!!
We know that a lot of people have trouble rounding up a full team so we've designed this handy little tool to create hopefully an all star team that'd be able to tackle the tomb!! Comment who you've got and how likely/unlikely you are to succeed and remember... NEVER GIVE UP!!
We've received a photo of something completely unheard of... The WORLDS FIRST NEVER GIVE UP CAKE!! Look at how delicious it looks!! Happy birthday to the lucky lad, of you want to send some of that cake our way we definitely won't complain 😉 Happy Birthday from the entire Never Give Up crew!!
Yet more group photos!! Have a look through and tag your friends when you find yourself! Now if you liked your experience and haven't already, a review on Tripadvisor would mean SO MUCH!! We're aiming for #1 in Newcastle and that can only be achieved with as many reviews as possible!! Find our tripadvisor page at
Hyper Awesome living up to their name!!
Well done Team Litty and happy 1️⃣4️⃣th Ellis 🍰
Gemma's Bxtches!