Shaolin Tigers Newbury Muay Thai
Shaolin Tigers Newbury Muay Thai
#shaolintigers #shaolintigersnewbury
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facebook.comTuesday 7.15-8.15pm next week is available for a 1 to 1 muay thai training. pm me if interested
Tonight Thaiboxing is at Northcroft leisure centre 7-8.30pm Adults 1st session free!
Sunday circuit is back on tomorrow at 11am, bring trainers
Tonights class is from 6.30-8pm 11yrs to adults mixed class with this man-Davyd Taylor
Change of plan again- Ladies class will be at 9am tomorrow!. Do you all want to go back to 10 or 11am next week?
Ladies class will be at the original time of 11am tomorrow
Fighters class tonight 7.30-9pm All those that want to fight this year, interclubs or decision should try and make this session 2 Waterside court Bone lane RG145SH
INTERCLUB Our next interclub at our gym will be held on- SUNDAY 4th March 2018
Happy New year! 2017 was a good year for our club, lots of interclubs, fights, and seminars. 2018 looks even better. We have a junior show in Jan with 3 of our up and coming fighters on. Then 4 of our adults competing in Feb. First session of the year tomorrow (weds) Kids 5-10yrs 5.30-6.30pm Kids 11-15yrs 6.30-7.30pm Adults 7.30-8.45pm See you all tomorrow.
I would like to thank Sam Gough for coming to our gym yesterday and teaching us some new skills, a few people were unwell and couldn’t make it but everyone who did really enjoyed it. Got some new moves to practice in 2018
Tonight will be the last muay thai class until the new year (apart from the seminar on saturday) Happy Xmas and New year everyone!
No laddies class this week. Restarting friday 5th January 2018 Merry xmas!