PT Ressa Commit To Be Fit
COMMIT TO BE FIT - ladies only personal training by PT Ressa. To look like a BEAUTY � you have to train like a BEAST �
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Team work makes the dream work 👌Organisations are much more likely to perform well when their people work effectively as a team. This is because good teamwork creates synergy – where the combined effect of the team is greater than the sum of individual efforts. ... As well as enhancing organisations' performance good teamwork benefits individuals too☺️ When one of us is feeling down the other member lifts and supports you 👍We have the same goals let's smash em ladies 👊Commit to be fit with PT Ressa #committobefit #ptressa #womenpower #weightlosstransformation #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #same #weightlossjourney #womenpower #weareone
#committobefit #ptressa 👌👌
Who's ready for my new summer challenge 😎😎😎😎#trainlikeabeast#summermotivation #nopainnogain #resultsmatter #committobefit #ptressa #trainorremainthesame #bootygoals #transformationchallenge #
Throwback to last years challenge
Thankyou Maria Kauser and yes loved the teamwork 👌
As a PT I meet many girls day in day out with different goals and targets but when Saima Ali approached me 10 weeks ago when she heard about my 12 week challenge ,she asked if she was too late to join in as she missed 2 weeks ! But soon as she started she asked me "will I lose 2 stones by end off this challenge ?" My reply to that was are you ready to "commit to be fit " she high fived me and from that moment onwards her goal was OUR goal 👍10 weeks on 2 days for challenge to end Saima has kicked her goals in the face and is ready for "witness the fitness " Event 👊
Cannot wait 👊