Trewmens Auto Services
The one stop shop for your car.
MOT's, tyres, Servicing and repairs.
Nazeings local garage serving the community
In Bumbles Green on the crooked mile
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A review from one of our customers today
We have been sent this today. As a result of not having enough antifreeze in the cooling system. plain water will freeze and expand causing problems such as this one in the picture. This vehicle will now be off of the road until it thaws. So we are now offering free winter checks! No appointment necessary. Just pop in, we’re friendly and approachable! Don’t forget we are an MOT test centre so can also carry out your MOT and offer a while you wait service and a free retest should your vehicle require any work! Feel free tomorrow get in touch! 01992 892126
Photos from Trewmens Auto Services's post
To celebrate our MOT lane being passed off since updating our equipment. We are now offering MOT's at £30 until the new year! We will also be open between Christmas and new year. Drop us a message or Call 01992 892126 to book!!
Trewmens Auto Services
Trewmens Auto Services
Photos from Trewmens Auto Services's post
Some more fantastic reviews this week!
Happy Monday everyone! Unfortunately our phone line is down at the minute. Our alternative contact number is 01992 890997 Sorry for any inconvenience caused
Photos from Trewmens Auto Services's post
That's it!! Ready for opening day tomorrow!!