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Irish Baptist College

19 Hillsborough Road, Moira, United Kingdom
College & University



IBC is the official Training Department of the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland.  Courses to suit Everyone. The Irish Baptist College is the training department of the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland.
IBC exists primarily to serve the needs of our own churches and missions department. We also welcome students from a wide variety of Christian backgrounds and we provide courses for those who wish to concentrate on Pastoral, Missions, Youth, Children’s or Women’s ministry.



We're nearly ready to begin a new academic year! Please pray for us, our existing students and our new first year students as we seek to follow the Lord together.

We're nearly ready to begin a new academic year! Please pray for us, our existing students and our new first year students as we seek to follow the Lord together.

Are you interested in being part of the Ladies' Study Fellowship that starts in September? Contact Lynette for more information.

Are you interested in being part of the Ladies' Study Fellowship that starts in September? Contact Lynette for more information.

Huge congratulations to one of our postgraduate students Gary Brown and his wife Rebecca on the birth of their son Joshua. We give thanks for his safe arrival and pray God's blessing upon them as a family in the days that lie ahead.

Huge congratulations to one of our postgraduate students Gary Brown and his wife Rebecca on the birth of their son Joshua. We give thanks for his safe arrival and pray God's blessing upon them as a family in the days that lie ahead.

Edwin's lectures at the Tacna seminary have finished. He and Alicen now have a couple of days to explore Peru.

Edwin's lectures at the  Tacna seminary have finished. He and Alicen now have a couple of days to explore Peru.

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Graduation 2019 🎓

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Edwin finishes lecturing at the seminary in Tacna this evening. Give thanks that the lectures have been well attended and prayers that they would strengthen the believers in South Peru.

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Yesterday Edwin and Alicen visited the campsite at Ite and the site of the original camps founded in Ilo by High and Sadie Mitchell

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Edwin and Alicen's visit to Ilo and Ite got underway (?) with a flat tyre! Please pray for safety for them and their hosts as they travel around

Edwin and Alicen's visit to Ilo and Ite got underway (?) with a flat tyre! Please pray for safety for them and their hosts as they travel around

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Edwin and Alicen were able to participate in the service at the Agua De Vida Church on Sunday and join in the fellowship lunch afterwards

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Congratulations to Training Director Nigel Younge and his wife Carolyn on becoming grandparents for the first time! Their daughter Hannah Fox gave birth to twin boys Titus and Joshua at the weekend. We wish Hannah, husband Matt and the boys God's richest blessing in the days that lie ahead.

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Edwin and Alicen continue to be busy during their visit to Peru. Edwin has addressed Pastors and Church Delegates while Alicen (in national costume) had the opportunity to address a Ladies' Rally.

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post

Principal Edwin Ewart has just commenced a visit to Peru where he, and wife Alicen, will have an opportunity to see firsthand the work of Baptist Missions in Peru. Yesterday involved a visit to the radio ministry in Tacna. He is pictured here with Raul and Mariella and outside the station with John Brew

Photos from Irish Baptist College's post


Well done to all those who prepared a talk tonight on the Sharing Gods Word Course. Thank you Ruth Campbell for your faithful teaching #womenoftheword

Well done to all those who prepared a talk tonight on the Sharing Gods Word Course. Thank you Ruth Campbell for your faithful teaching #womenoftheword

33 years ago a small irish mission sent a short term team of young people. I crossed their path and that brought a «few» changes in my life. Most thankful. SDG.

33 years ago a small irish mission sent a short term team of young people. I crossed their path and that brought a «few» changes  in my life. Most thankful. SDG.

Preparations underway for Baptist Women's Sharing God's Word Course which commences on Tuesday 26 September at the Baptist Centre #sharinggodsword #biblebasedteaching

Preparations underway for Baptist Women's Sharing God's Word Course which commences on Tuesday 26 September at the Baptist Centre #sharinggodsword  #biblebasedteaching

This is always a good night. A great way to start the new session. Why don't you bring your BW group!

This is always a good night. A great way to start the new session. Why don't you bring your BW group!

The Breakfast Club is on Saturday 8 April 9.30am at The Baptist Centre for Female Workers/Students and wives of Pastors, IBC Students and ABCI/BM Workers

The Breakfast Club is on Saturday 8 April 9.30am at The Baptist Centre for Female Workers/Students and wives of Pastors, IBC Students and ABCI/BM Workers

21.04.16 Today marks the final day of my three years at Bible college. Can't believe how time has flown in, but truly thankful to the Lord for all the things He has taught me and people He has brought into my life. It's been emosh but here's to future adventures 🙌🏽 || Dedicating this picture to my three year key fob 🔐 #GoodByeKeyFob #MissYouAlready #Fobby #SEEYEESSAYS

Today marks the final day of my three years at Bible college. Can't believe how time has flown in, but truly thankful to the Lord for all the things He has taught me and people He has brought into my life. It's been emosh but here's to future adventures 🙌🏽
|| Dedicating this picture to my three year key fob 🔐 
#GoodByeKeyFob #MissYouAlready #Fobby #SEEYEESSAYS

Not sure if I have enough books...

Not sure if I have enough books...

Today marks the day that McRankin are officially declared as graduates from IBC. #graduating #theology #divinity #4andahalfgrandayear #mcrankin #mcrankinontour #nowindublin #gown #robes

Today marks the day that McRankin are officially declared as graduates from IBC. #graduating #theology #divinity #4andahalfgrandayear #mcrankin #mcrankinontour #nowindublin #gown #robes

Love college photo day with @rankin92 & @matt_campbell92 #ibc #college #photooftheday #models #bowties #suits #suitselfie

Love college photo day with @rankin92 & @matt_campbell92 #ibc #college #photooftheday #models #bowties #suits #suitselfie

My favourite study buddy #Americano #thefatgherkin #moira #ibc #coffee #study #fatgherkin

My favourite study buddy #Americano #thefatgherkin #moira #ibc #coffee #study #fatgherkin

Essay almost complete; wouldn't be right to forget about the procrastination Instagram post. #essay #theology #greek #textualcriticism #IBC #macbook #journal #watch #Mark

Essay almost complete; wouldn't be right to forget about the procrastination Instagram post. #essay #theology #greek #textualcriticism #IBC #macbook #journal #watch #Mark

As deadline day approaches, my study booth is my best friend #essays #biblicaltheology #fellowship #ibc #mac #pro

As deadline day approaches, my study booth is my best friend #essays #biblicaltheology #fellowship #ibc #mac #pro


NEAR Irish Baptist College