OU Life, Health and Chemical Sciences
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Congratulations to Fabienne Bachtiger (current undergraduate Natural Science - Chemistry) who has got admitted to the GSK Residential Training Experience for this September.
LHCS PhD Studentships 2016 | Faculty of Science | Open University
We are super excited to announce we have some fully funded PhD studentships available in: health, biomedical science, chemical biology and bio-medicinal chemistry, and psychology! We'll be running a Q&A session soon where you can meet some of the supervisors, but if you have any questions before - please do post them in the comments box below :) http://www.open.ac.uk/science/main/lhcs-studentships-2016
The Open University
Congratulations to our LHCS prizewinners at the 2016 PhD student Poster Competition this week: Peer Review prizes went to Shireen Nizari - Communication breakdown: is Alzheimer’s disease caused by faulty blood vessels? And David Roig-Carles - EXOSOMES: The cellular social media! The People’s Choice prize was won by Conor McQuaid - Delivery of Therapeutics into the Brain using Nano-carriers
Congratulations to Samuel A McKie, MSc student on S807 Molecules in Medicine, on his paper on 'Polypharmacology: in silico methods of ligand design and development' in the recent issue of Future Medicinal Chemistry.
Royal Institution of Great Britain
Congratulations to Kara and Anne on the publication of their papers:- Kara Vale, Targeting the JAK-STAT pathway in the treatment of ‘Th2-high’ severe asthma, Future Medicinal Chemistry, March 2016 ,Vol. 8, No. 4, Pages 405-419 Anne Close, Antiangiogenesis and vascular disrupting agents in cancer: circumventing resistance and augmenting their therapeutic utility, Future Medicinal Chemistry, March 2016 ,Vol. 8, No. 4, Pages 443-462
Timeline Photos
Chemistry students at last weeks lab skills course - a great time was had by all.
Welcome to the chemistry students about to start their residential school at Walton Hall in Milton Keynes. We hope you enjoy the lab and its new equipment.
Congratulations to Susan King, MSc student on S807 Molecules in Medicine, who's just had the following paper published 'Matrix metalloproteinases: new directions toward inhibition in the fight against cancers' King, Susan E. (2016). Matrix metalloproteinases: new directions toward inhibition in the fight against cancers. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 8(3) pp. 297–309.
How long would it actually take to catch them all? | Codd | Journal of Interdisciplinary Science...
Something fun from the University of Leicester :) https://physics.le.ac.uk/jist/index.php/JIST/article/view/149/92