Bay Search & Rescue
We provide specialist Hagglund BV206 all terrain amphibious rescue vehicles and trained personnel to assist Fire & Rescue (Cumbria & Lancs), H.M. Coastguard, The Police, Mountain Rescue Teams and Ambulance Service on and around the 'unique' Morecambe Bay
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facebook.comPopped into Vantage Motor Group Morecambe this morning to say hi to the Motor Technician’s who look after our amazing Toyota Hilux Pickup’s.
Training tonight was about Radio Comms, and improving our communication abilities around the bay. The areas reached tonight were far in advance of anything previously accomplished, and even in known black spots clear Comms were attained. The new base sets we have in our vantage Toyota Hiluxes are incredible, and give superb clarity. Don’t forget, if you want to see the Vantage Motor Group Search and Rescue Spec Toyota Hilux come along to Sainsburys on Saturday 14April ( this Saturday)and take a look at these incredible vehicles We will be their from 10 am till three pm, we look forward to seeing you there. Bay Search and Rescue are Sainsbury's Morecambe’s charity of the year and we can’t thank them enough.
Fancy a new Challenge and want to make a difference in the community Fantastic Job Opportunity General Manager at Bay Search and Rescue Go to our website and download the job spec
Congratulations to our team mate Dan Mallinson and his Partner Hannah on the birth of their first child Harry Superb News Guys, Dan will be coming to training for a rest 😂😂😂 Well done Both Regards The team
After the fantastic support we received at our Grange Charity shop PR day on Good Friday, we’ve decided we would like to do more from our great little shop in Grange. If you live locally and can support us by sparing some of your time each week, at our Grange shop , we would love to hear from you. Bay Search and Rescue is a valued community based charity, and its work is recognised world wide, from dealing with the Quicksands of Morecambe Bay, to being on the front line when storms ( like Storm Desmond) hit, or we have unprecedented snow fall and people become prisoners in their own homes, and need our help. The work that our valued shop staff and all our volunteers do, provides us with the basic funding to keep the team running, and is as important to the charity as the highly trained volunteer rescuers themselves . So if you have thought about spending some of your free time volunteering, but haven’t done it yet, now is your opportunity to make a difference right here in our own local community, make some new friends and colleagues and raise funds for this great Charity. Please Contact Gary and share our post with your friends Or call or text on 07776156171
What a fantastic day at our Grange Charity shop. The weather was kind to us and the Village was busy, with lots of visitors and friends old and new coming to support us from far and wide, and to look at the fantastic machines that make BSAR so great. We even had a visit from the Mayor of Grange, who stayed and chatted about our great rescue team and all the great work we’ve done. Thanks to all our shop volunteers who helped today and my mum, you all do an amazing job for us Thank you all 👍 We will be showing off our Rescue Vehicles at Our Milnthorpe Charity Shop soon, so watch our for the date and call and see us.
There’s a long weekend approaching, so if your looking to entertain the Dads and kids, why not call in at our Bay Search & Rescue Charity Shop Grange on GOOD FRIDAY, bag yourself a bargain and have a chat with the operational team. We will have one of our Hagglunds Parked outside and the crew will gladly tell you all about our very recent deployments in the Snows in Alston and beyond and the work in the floods too, and the Dads and Kids can have a sit in the vehicle. All the money raised in our shops, goes directly toward keeping the BSAR team running, providing equipment and essential maintenance for our unique fleet of rescue vehicles including the amazing Vantage Toyota Hilux so come on down and support us.
It gives me great pleasure to announce that two of my crew have been directly recognised for the saving of life by the Royal Humane Society. On 14th of September 2017 at the biggest and best one day Agricultural Show in the Country The Westmoreland County Show, BSAR as always, were displaying their armoury of rescue vehicles and vessels, when we were called to attend the collapse of an elderly Gentleman. On arrival at the scene in the middle of a field packed with hundreds of cars, Helen Clark and Steve Fell and a number of our other crew members put all the training into action, along with Kentdale First Aid Training and Andrew Dickinson. Immediately the assessment of the casualty was made, it was clear that he was In cardiac arrest and BSARs AED ( Automated External Defibrillator) confirmed this having been removed from the the Vantage Sponsored Toyota Hilux Pickups. The AED advised that a shock should be given and it was, and although the casualty required ventilation for nearly twenty minutes whilst we waited the arrival of the Land and Air Ambulance, amazingly, with an out of hospital chance of 10% or less survival, a pulse was detected and a life was saved. The work of Helen and Steve was inspirational, and as a Medical Professional whilst I ventilated this poor chap, I watched these two work seamlessly, to make the transportation of the casualty to the waiting North West Ambulance Service helicopter or Land Ambulance possible. In my Professional Career in the Operating Theatre my daily job involves ventilating patients under Anaesthetic, so no big deal for me although I have to say doing it on a field in wellingtons and not crocks and an operating table was a little different. But it gave me time to observe two of the most dedicated volunteers I have ever met, go to work . So you can imagine my joy as we hear the spinning rota’s of the Air Ambulance approaching and then ! Hang on a minute, is that an Orange Smoke I see to guide in the Helicopter ? Well my pride was visible to all those who could see me, here we are witnessing Coastal Training, Medical Training , Helicopter Training, all being used inland, on a show field, miles from the nearest Hospital and not a wave in site. As Station Officer, one of the greatest pleasures bestowed upon me is to present members of my team with awards of this kind. Helen Steve, my most sincere congratulations on your outstanding work that day. And my last pleasure in posting this message tonight, is to announce that Helen Clarke has just become my new DSO, voted in by the operational team. Congratulations Helen and welcome to you new role. Regards Gary BSAR S/O Regards Gary S/O BSAR
#morecambebay #volunteer #charity #rescue #searchandrescue #SAR #Lancashire #Cumbria Team members on #BTACC casualty care training

This week's training for our #SAR #searchandrescue #volunteers was a refresher on #wildfire #wildlandfire with #Firefighters from @cumbria_county_council #Cumbria #fireandrescue Crucial training for when @baysarteam support #Lancashire and #Cumbria #fireservices at such incidents

The #TinyTeam were gutted to see the #lastdefender #landrover #landroverdefender roll off the production line this week - they love their #landrover130
