Dragons Lair MMA
Welcome to DragonsLair, Wiltshire's top Mixed Martial Arts Team.
Specialising in MMA and Kick Boxing for adults and kids
This page is set up for all those wishing to Follow Our Fighters and the progress of our Gym.
We will have all the latest information on fights and events
Our Club is Open to all Ages and All abilities. Our Kids KickBoxing classes are growing every week and our new Ladies Fitness Sessions are proving so popular we may have to add more to the timetable!
Powered by TrojanFit the UK's leading manufacturer and installer of gym/fitness equipment
TimeTable : Mon - 6-7pm Kids KickBoxing
7-9/9:30pm MMA
Tues - 6-7pm Ladies Only Fitness
7:30-9/9:30pm KickBoxing
Wed - 7-9/9:30pm MMA
Thurs - 6:30-7:30pm Ladies Only Fitness
7:30-9/9:30pm KickBoxing
Fri - 6:30-7:30pm Kids KickBoxing
7:30-9/9:30pm Fitness/ open mat
Sat/Sun - Invite Only
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No better place to go, Adie will sort you out
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