http://www.i-com.net Award winning online marketing agency based in Manchester. We design, build and market websites, plan
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Read our latest blog post: Four simple content upgrades to reduce bounce rate https://www.i-com.net/blog/content-upgrades-reduce-bounce-rate #bouncerate #contentmarketing #ecommerce

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We've been at it since '04, and we're not stopping any time soon! This year we're celebrating our 15-year anniversary. Find out more about the work we've done for our clients here: https://www.i-com.net/work #clients #casestudy #testimonial #marketing

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Happy Pride weekend from the team at I-COM! #pride2019 #manchesterpride

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Are you considering replatforming? We strongly recommend moving to Magento 2. Find out more about Magento 1 coming to the end of it's life, and your options here: https://www.i-com.net/blog/are-you-ready-magento-1-end-life #magento2 #magento1 #m1eol #june2020

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Want to connect with your customers on a more meaningful level? We've been running a survey about how best to interact with customers, and we're finding the results fascinating. https://www.i-com.net/blog/engage-dont-enrage-how-interact-customers #engagedontenrage #marketingcommunication

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It's time for your monthly reminder that your site needs to be optimised for mobile users. Mobile first. Read more about why it's so vitally important to design and build for mobile here: https://www.i-com.net/blog/importance-mobile-responsive-website #mobilefirst #webdesign #webdevelopment

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Are your product descriptions struggling to SELL your products? Read our blog post and take a new approach: https://www.i-com.net/blog/product-descriptions-that-sell #weekendreading #digitalmarketing

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Have you seen the latest cookie guidance from the @ICOnews? Find out how it can affect you: https://www.i-com.net/blog/new-cookie-guidance-ico-could-cripple-online-businesses #ICO #cookieguidance #googleanalytics

How to Get a Customer to Edit Their Negative Review
Great post from @Moz about how you can use negative reviews as an opportunity to show how wonderful your customer service is. https://moz.com/blog/customer-edit-negative-review #customerservice #negativereviews
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Have you heard the news? I-COM is now an employee owned company! Read more here: https://www.i-com.net/blog/weve-become-employee-owned-company #eot #employeeowned #marketingmanchester

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Are you considering a completely bespoke web solution? We can help you out with that. Find out more here: https://www.i-com.net/work/bespoke #bespokewebbuild #marketingmanchester

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Stuck writing your #productdescriptions? Read our blog post for some top tips on how to write product descriptions that convert into sales. https://www.i-com.net/blog/product-descriptions-that-sell #productdescriptions #content #contentmarketing
