King K9
The number one K9 supplement, aiding health fitness and wellbeing in anything from working dogs to household pets.
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facebook.comNew stock King k9 muscle&performance arrived in Italy! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹 very happy 😁
Our shipping company myhermes has just informed us.. As a result of the adverse weather conditions experienced over the weekend, delays are expected in collections and deliveries. Quick update.. All orders are currently up to date apologies for the delay with myhermes 📩
I was sent these picks by Mr John Paton , who's frenchie puppies were born 6 days premature, We personaly delivered King K9 Puppy Power to get colostrum, prebiotics and nucleotides along with essential vitamins & minerals into the puppies as soon as possible. Mr Paton still has all 8 puppies 4 weeks old fit and healthy 👌😎👌 Feeding guide is immediately after birth and 5 hours later , repeat the process for weak puppies failing to strive , with these beem 6 days early Mr Paton gave them the Puppy Power every 2 hours after tube feeding them , then after 3 days the puppies were strong enough to suckle , at this point he gave them the Puppy Power every 4 hours . He still has 4 males available feel free to contact john Paton for further details .
K9 power from Belgium 💪💪💪
King k9 Pregna Dog , pregnancy formula and Flexi Dog joint support are now available from our temp web site ...
💥New Product💥 💥Available from our website this week💥 King K9 Flexi Dog Liquid Flexi Dog is a liquid supplement designed to support mobility and joint function in all types of dogs, in particular hard-working dogs. Containing a combination of Glucosamine, to stimulate the production of glycosaminoglycans, to support optimum production of collagen and connective tissue within the joint. MSM provides the dog with highly bioavailable sulphur, essential for the correct formation of connective tissue. The addition of Chondroitin to the product further supports joint cartilage, provides cushioning benefits to the joint, and combined with the Glucosamine & MSM, helps to support against the impact of wear & tear and aging. By adding Copper & Manganese, in a bioavailable form, further support is offered to the joint structures, these minerals provide essential support for maintenance and repair, particularly important to hard working dogs. A prebiotic has also been included within this product to ensure optimum absorption of these elements. A healthy digestive system is especially important in dogs working very hard, as optimum nutrient absorption is required to ensure good recovery from exercise. By feeding Flexi Dog, the aging dog & stiff dog can be supported during normal day to day activities, and the hard-working athletic dog is ensured the best support during training and competition, as healthy joint function allows the dog to perform at its best. Feed Directions To be fed at a level of 1ml per 5kg BWT Where dogs are exercising very hard, feed 2ml per 5kg BWT as required.
💥 New Product 💥 💥Available from our website this week 💥 King K9 Pregna Dog The addition of Pregna Dog to the diet, helps to ensure that the female has a full season. Use Pregna dog prior to an expected season to ensure a full and complete cycle. Add Pregna Dog to the diet at the first signs of a season, or when a season is expected. Pregna Dog is also effective when a female has shown inconsistent or incomplete seasons. The complete balance of vitamins & minerals helps to ensure the female has optimum nutrition, preventing any problems relating to infertility. These advantages will help to ensure an easy conception, as well as a smooth pregnancy and easy whelping. Nutrition is also a leading factor in poor performance during pregnancy, Pregna dog has also been formulated to deliver the essential nutrients required to ensure correct development of the foetus. The combination of vitamins, minerals and amino acids gives puppies the best start in life and also ensures the lactating bitch has minimal stress levels. Correct, balanced nutrition is particularly important during the last trimester of pregnancy, especially when breeding dogs destined for an athletic future. Additional benefits include improved immunity, which is vital in ensuring the transfer of antibodies during lactation. This ensures the puppy has the best start in life & has complete protection during the first days of life. Pregna Dog is suitable to be fed to all breed types and ages, during pregnancy and lactation, it can be also used in the case of limited fertility to provide optimum nutrition before mating. Pregna Dog should be fed at the following rate per day 1ml per 5kg BWT (not to exceed 15ml per day)
Evento creato da Sabrina Comandini ( Referente Italiana) LA RIFFA DI NATALE !! praticamente il 23 Dicembre ci sarà l'estrazione del lotto e i primi 3 numeri che escono sulla ruota di Napoli vinceranno un premio: 1° premio (1° numero della ruota di Napoli) : King K9 1KG 2° premio (2° numero della ruota di Napoli): King K9 500gr o 1 siringa Puppy Power 15ml 3°premio (3° numero della ruota di Napoli) : Grafica a scelta tra logo o banner il costo della scelta del numero è di 3€ l'uno, pagamento tramite postepay ( prima di fare pagamento avvisatemi sempre che a breve dovrò rinnovarla) --> se entro il 23 Dicembre mattina non si arriva ad aver prenotato tutti i numeri, l'estrazione si terrà al completamento della prenotazione dei numeri. <-- Gioco valido solo su suolo Italiano ;) se volete partecipare contattatemi in privato in pagina o sul mio profilo privato ( Sabrina Comandini )
Tomorrow's Menu defrosting . Duck and Salmon . Muscle and Performance , Felxi-Dog joint support and for Coco Chanel 5ml of Pregna-Dog . #KingK9GainTrain #kingk9 #Family #HealthandWellbeing
💥💥King K9 Puppy Power💥💥 On sale now from our website A paste formulation for ease of use, suitable for all new-born puppies and is of particular benefit to weak and undersized puppies, puppies from large litters and puppies failing to thrive. Containing a complex blend of colostrum, prebiotics and nucleotides along with essential vitamins & minerals, King K9 puppy power offers support to both the digestive and immune systems of new-born puppies. Colostrum provides essential immunoglobulins to a new-born puppy, these antibodies are normally provided by the mother, but in cases of larger litters or weak & undersized puppies, there may be a requirement for additional colostrum. By including colostrum in the product, these vital antibodies can be supplied to support the development of the immune system.
K9 in EBKC 24 Sept 17 Napoli.. it was a success in Italy...a special thanks to Aaron Lee for t-shirt and for all <3 :* - Sabrina C. 🇮🇹️🇮🇹️🇮🇹️
🔝🔝🔝Nuovo Prodotto K9🔝🔝🔝 **presto sarà disponibile per essere ordinato** 🐶💪King K9 Puppy Power 🐶💪 è una pasta formulata per un facile utilizzo, adatta a tutti i cuccioli di nuova generazione ed è particolarmente utile per i cuccioli deboli e magri, specie nelle grandi cucciolate dove non tutti riescono a crescere equamente e quindi indebolirsi e retrocedere. Contiene una miscela completa di Colostro, prebiotici e nucleotidi insieme a vitamine e minerali essenziali, King K9 Puppy Power offre il supporto sia del sistema immunitario che del sistema digestivo dei cuccioli nati. Il Colostro fornisce immunoglobine essenziali al cucciolo neonato, questi anticorpi sono normalmente forniti nel latte della madre, ma nei casi in cui le cucciolate sono numerose o i cuccioli sono deboli e magri, può essere necessario un ulteriore supporto di colostro. Includendo il colostro nel prodotto questi anticorpi viali possono essere forniti per sostenere lo sviluppo del sistema immunitario. i Prebiotici e Nucleotidi aggiungono ulteriore sostegno al sistema immunitario, con i nucleotidi che offrono un vantaggio particolare al cucciolo di nascita. I nucleotidi sono i blocchi delle nuove cellule e nei primi giorni di vita la necessità di questo è particolarmente aumentata. Un sistema immunitario forte dalla nascita consentirà al cucciolo di crescere e svilupparsi meglio. Quando i nucleotidi sono combinati con i prebiotici, offrono notevoli vantaggi al sistema digestivo. Un sistema digestivo forte e sano aiuta a sostenere la crescita dei cuccioli. I prebiotici assicurano che la microflora nel sistema digestivo possa funzionare in modo efficace, mentre l'aggiunta di nucleotidi aiuta a mantenere una superficie ottimale all'interno del sistema digestivo per consentire un efficace assorbimento delle sostanze nutritive. I livelli elevati di energia e proteine inclusi nel prodotto consentono una maggiore risposta post-nascita, assicurando che i cuccioli rimangano attivi. Le fonti di carboidrati e proteine sono facilmente assorbite attraverso la parete dell'intestino, fornendo ulteriori sostanze nutritive per completare il colostro. Ulteriori proteine dietetiche sono particolarmente importanti per il corretto sviluppo del tessuto muscolare. Un ulteriore supporto viene offerto ai neonati, con l'inclusione di livelli ottimali delle vitamine A,D3 & E, che sono di particolare beneficio per il sistema immunitario, le vitamine del gruppo B, in particolare la vitamina B12, sono incluse e hanno un ruolo importante nel metabolismo, nella funzione digestiva e contribuiscono a garantire una corretta crescita e sviluppo. -Sabrina Comandini for Italy-