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BMF Carrs Park

Chancel Lane,Wilmslow, Manchester, United Kingdom



British Military Fitness is the UK's leading outdoor fitness provider, operating in parks across the UK. We offer the best way to get fit and lose weight.  British Military Fitness, the UK’s biggest and best loved outdoor fitness classes.
Sessions are led by serving or former members of the armed forces, and are a fun and effective way of getting fit. With the encouragement of your instructor, you’ll train in pairs, groups and teams, climbing over, crawling under and running around each other from the first to the last minute.

You do not need any special kit to train with British Military Fitness – just a good pair of running shoes, but be prepared to get a little dirty!. Each class is tailored to match the ability of that group and to make full use of the outdoor space available.


Proud to announce our member of the month who has been upgraded to green 💪🏽💪🏽 smashing it Barry every week! Barry even stayed behind with me for two 2.4kmh runs to with a 5 minute rest period in between the two runs timing ourselves to set goals always a joy at British Military Fitness Well done to all my other members that put in the hard for me and Mark Pearson tonight your pictures and videos will uploaded soon 💪🏽💪🏽

2 instructors tonight to mark summertime... Kit session and plenty of cardio fun 💪🏻💪🏻

Beautiful weather at the carrs park this morning looking forward to hearing about some sore bodies tomorrow morning

Some strong legs at British Military Fitness from one of our members Rob, robs a green bib which means he pushes to the limit every class order after order. Great work by Ibrar Ahmed taking a seat on his shoulders ahah 👍🏽👍🏽 this excercise was completed in a safe environment with a low risk of injury making the excercise look awesome 💪🏽💪🏽 Come down for your first free friendly class 💪🏽💪🏽 Like share and promote!

Great words 💪🏽

Tonight British Military Fitness class is going to leave some sore muscles tomorrow I can promise that massive well done to the members that beasted it 💪🏽💪🏽

Two courageous members turnt up to Carrs Park clearly not caring for the snow that was upon us well done to Ibrar Ahmed Zoe Alexandra. However I do need to work on my wording I think (balls need to touch the gate)😂😂😂

As park manager at Carrs Park class is on as normal!!💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 get your butts down we will be sticking to the cold grass to avoid any injuries so wear gloves and prepare to get a little muddy if need be!!

BMF DDs We have changed the company that takes DDs from our customers.. this change was supposed to be seamless or we wouldn’t have done it but Barclays customers got s notification that a new DD has been set up for a new fitness company not called BMF. This is not the case and is a mistake so please post this in all of your members groups ASAP to avoid confusion and cancellations.. All other banks were unaffected

Some people like to go for a meal, some like to snuggle up on the sofa with a film then theirs the British Mlitary Fitness members who just can’t stay away from the cold and rain! Brilliant session tonight! And happy Valentines!

Some people like to go for a meal, some like to snuggle up on the sofa with a film then theirs the British Mlitary Fitness members who just can’t stay away from the cold and rain! Brilliant session tonight! And happy Valentines!

Valentine’s Day session tonight British Military Fitness Wilmslow Carrs Park (style car park) 19:00-20:00 Bring a partner, bring a friend or even a special date to fall in love with Fitness.


NEAR BMF Carrs Park