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Five Acre Wood School

Boughton Lane, Maidstone, United Kingdom



RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS 6 of the staff team from Five Acre are running a 10K mud run on Sunday 8th October to raise funds for friends of Five Acre Wood. 1 of the 6 has actually run before and goes to the gym, the rest of us are in trouble, are going to hurt and will need lots of encouragement and support. We have a fund raising page and if anyone would like to donate to give us that little bit of extra motivation to get across that finishing line it would be gratefully received. The silly people taking on this challenge are. Sam – Ash Billie – Fox Casey – Hedgehog Sarah – TEAM Emma – Reception Richard – SLT. Jane who used to fund raise for us at Five Acre is also going to be joining in as well, it’s her fault that we got into this mess…. Thanks for your support. Team Mud….

A fabulous night at the Sixth form prom. Chris and Cerys as the prom King and Queen.

Another fabulous summer fayre has come to an end. Thank you so much to all of our wonderful volunteers, without whom it wouldn't be possible to put on this great event. And of course thank you to everyone who came and had fun 😊🍦🍹🎣🎤🎸🚂🎾🍔🌭💦🐾 Same time next year?!

The fayre is about to start!

Come to our fabulous summer fayre between 1-3pm tomorrow. Land train, lots of fun and interesting stalls and games, bouncy castle, BBQ, Pimms and live music.

The summer fayre is tomorrow- yay!! 😁 The weather is looking cloudy but warm, which is pretty perfect. Who's coming along?

Look at our first finished mural! It's one of three, which when put together will create one giant picture ☀️ Thank you once again to all of our fabulous supporters who are making this possible 🙏

Hi everyone, our signing choir have entered a competition! We would be really grateful if you could click on the link below, which will allow you to watch the video and vote for us. (Our video is the middle video on the second row down). We are very proud of our signing choir, great job guys! Thanks also to Leanne, one of our fabulously dedicated teachers, for all of the support that she gives to the choir. 👏

Parents and Carers, don't forget that tomorrow is our annual Bring a Bottle Friday for the Summer Fayre! (Loose site) Thank you! 🍾☺️

Gareth came to visit us this week to help screw some of our bottle lids onto our collage. Gareth is a parent to one of our students, and him and his colleagues at DHL distribution centre have really got behind this project. As well as collecting lids, they've been fundraising for materials for the project too, holding a bake sale at work for us. We ❤️ all of our supporters like Gareth, who go above and beyond to support our very special students.

Izaac says: 'This is what 1,000 vouchers looks like!' Izaac did a great job today, project managing his class's counting of the Sainsbury's Active Kids vouchers. Well done Izaac!

We have made a start on the bottle top mural! Students are feeling very proud of their creation already and are really enjoying making the mural. These first few panels represent the life cycle of a caterpillar to butterfly 🐛🦋☀️ Thank you everyone who supported us by sending in the thousands of bottle tops that we have collected for this!


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